bunny bonding service

I cant stress enough that once bonded, the rabbits must never be split unless there is a real need to do so, such as illness where one needs special nursing care that cant be done with company present, or if there is a risk of injury or disease. Medical Boarding. For most people, our Bonding Support Consultations will give you everything you need to progress bonding activity in your own home. You want to avoid letting them get bored or frustrated during bonding sessions because the rabbits may start to resent each other. Within this 48 hour period it usually becomes very apparent if the bonding will be successful or not, and if for any reason I feel that that the bonding won't work out, for example; excessive fighting occurs, even after intervention. If you're existing bun had access to the area before, you can spray or wipe down the restricted area with white vinegar to remove any residual bunny smells. However, if the rabbits are not showing signs of aggression or severe anxiety, its okay to start sooner. All rights reserved. Please see our boarding rateshere. But if it doesnt work, we understand that keeping rabbits lonely is not what anyone wants. We love to help bunnies fall in love. These will be important steps that will give you a better chance of success no matter what technique you use for bonding, so dont skip the preparation and planning stage. If you take the time to introduce and bond your rabbit with another bunny friend, it is usually beneficial to their mental health and will cause your rabbit to be overall happier. Positive behaviors are the ones you want to look for. You are experiencing a lot of stress or anxiety around the bonding. Set up the two pens or enclosures right next to each other so that the two rabbits can see each other and sniff each other if they want to. We are always happy to bond your spayed or neutered single bun to one of our adoptable bunnies. Some female rabbits, especially, will feel ownership of areas of the home they havent ever been to; they just know its close to their territory. If one of your bunnies needs an overnight stay at the vets, a bunny savvy vet will understand the need for the bonded bunnies to stay together and if he/she doesnt, then you need to find another vet. The size and age of the rabbits generally dont affect their ability to get along, but you might want to look for a rabbit with similar energy levels. Beloved Rabbits is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, She helps to socialize the rabbits and educate volunteers on the care and behavior of these small mammals. Theyll be more willing to settle down or even nap a little instead of getting up in arms about the other rabbit they are sharing a space with. It can also be useful in cases where one rabbit is seriously scared of the other even if there is no serious aggression. What you will do is start each session with 10-15 minutes of stress bonding, then give them another 10-15 minutes to sit together without the stress, so that they can also get used to interacting with each other and comforting each other even when there is not something scary going on at that exact moment. While the circumstances will vary on the specific scenario you are in, my rule is if I see no improvement for 2-3 days in one spot, then I need to change things up a little. 20 per rabbit, or 15 per rabbit if you have 3 or more. Although the rabbit being mounted may seem to be laid back and placid it only takes one bite in the wrong place! We do not recommend brothers or creating trios/groups. A question Im often asked is will my rabbit change once he/she has a bonded partner. If at all possible, you want to keep your bonded rabbits together at all times. A good way to do this is using vinegar. Therefore I only recommend using the technique if its necessary. One of the best steps you can take to help your rabbits early on in the bonding process is to start petting them when they are next to each other. We only try bondings between bunnies of the opposite sex, and only between a pair of bunnies (never a trio or more). This allows for the rabbit to heal and for his/her hormones to balance. It can take several weeks to months for a bond to solidify between the rabbits. It is very rare that two bunnies will meet and get along perfectly. However, you will very rarely find two rabbits who are able to get along right away. Your bunny will be housed in an 2 by 6 x-pen or double condo, depending on availability, fed high quality pellets, fresh greens, and unlimited hay. I post regular updates and videos to my Facebook page (with owner's full consent) so if your're interested to see how some of my previous bonding's have gone please feel free to have a look at Derrick's Facebook page or check out our customer reviews page to see how happy we've made a lot of lonely bunnies. Taking the rabbits for a car ride, running the vacuum near them, or placing them atop a washing machine are some common scenarios that people use. This start small technique is most useful in bonding rabbits who are more anxious or aggressive toward each other. To do this, mash up some banana or use unsweetened applesauce. As an associate to Amazon, Small Pet Select, and Chewy.com, I may receive a small commission from qualifying purchases. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Its also a good idea to spread some treats around for the rabbits to sniff out. Rabbits identify a lot of objects and places by scent rather than sight, so you want to spend time erasing the scent of the rabbits as much as possible. They would spend every day in a large play area inside our house, and I would be in it with them all day. Take it slow and give your rabbits time to work out their disagreements. In some cases, you may want to put them together for even longer periods of time, especially if you are bringing a partner into a female rabbits old enclosure. I'm not 100% sure who did it, but one of my original pair jumped their fence and went after the other pair upstairs (I believe biting both and drawing blood) two months ago. So far, any injuries that have occurred have been superficial and not needed veterinary attention when bonding groups of 4 or less. Whether its a difficult bond, you're struggling for the time needed, or you don't have the neutral space to make it work, we can help. However, it can be difficult to get this technique to work with rabbits who are highly aggressive or anxious around each other. A veterinarians certificate showing the vaccination date must be shown before your rabbit can enter SaveABunny premises. Because bunnies are considered exotic pets, it can be harder to find help in an emergency. If you have questions about the bonding process please call us or send us an email. You can use a tabletop, being careful to block off the edges to prevent your rabbits from falling. from Small Pet Select! Some clinics may also require your bunny to receive a microchip (if they dont already have one). Even though they may initially bond, they can also un-bond. In a larger shed, it may be useful to break down the space to a smaller area using a puppy pen or NIC cubes, which I can provide you with (10 deposit refunded on safe return). Unless the two rabbits are actively trying to hurt each other and there is nothing you can do to calm them down, dont end a session if the two rabbits had a bad interaction. Buns may not always love the first bunny their parents . Please note we are a *pet rabbit* community that discourages breeding and encourages rescue. Just like humans, rabbits need to choose their own friends. Some people will tell you to start with short sessions, while others will insist that its best to jump in for hours right from the start. Much easier if you bring a girl home to a boy than if you bring a rabbit home to a girl. Then you slowly increase the space so that neither rabbit gets either territorial of the new space or uses it to nervously stay away from the other rabbit. Introductions should be short and frequent in the beginning and increased in duration as the rabbits become more tolerant of each other. I put together a guide that goes over all the basics of rabbit care so you have it all in one place. You want to avoid the rabbits getting frustrated and taking out that irritation on the other rabbit. Rabbits are much happier when they have a friend to share their life with. $1,800; For more information, please PM us. When they come back the other rabbit might think they are a stranger and attack. Bonding Service. Rabbits are very territorial animals. 27.50 per rabbit, or 22.50 per rabbit if you have 3 or more. The bonding has gone on for more that 6 months with little or no progress. Our boarding spaces fill up quickly and advance reservations during the holidays is required. Both rabbits should be altered and allowed enough time for their hormone levels to dissipate (3-4 weeks). Our Bonding Services We are always happy to bond your spayed or neutered single bun to one of our adoptable bunnies. I will make you aware of any injury, however superficial it might be, so you can keep an eye on things once they come home. Boarding area is cleaned daily and bunnies are checked on several times per day. Even after youve befriended a rabbit, something can be a little bit off and My name is Amy and I am the Bunny Lady! If they had a bad chase or some fur was pulled, step in and place the two rabbits next to each other while you pet them. Exercise pens work wonderful for bonding are financially more reasonable than adequate housing and have many uses even after the bonding is completed. We will then advise you as you transition the new pair to your home. (+353) +353834041465, Bunny Bonding Boot Camp (Residential Stay), Lots of vets and pet shops advise that rabbits should be kept in pairs, and they are right! Move to a new location. If a larger area doesnt work, try going smaller or vice versa. Unfortunately sometimes even with the best intentions and constant supervision, injuries can occur during the bonding process. You may even find that your rabbit is more friendly and outgoing once bonded with a companion. This will get them used to the idea of having to share their space and living with anothers scent around them. Its normal for them to be afraid of people until they get to know you. Google Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a purported language translation. we supp;y the biggest hutch and exclusive access to the adoining run . If at all possible, you want to try introducing your rabbit to a number of other rabbits so that your bunny can help to choose their own partner. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Bunny bonding and medication administration are available as add-ons in a case-by-case basis. You also dont have to spend the time slowly increasing the rabbits space to make sure their bond doesnt break. The bond likely wont break after the rabbits are in the larger area. Easier even when you only have a limited amount of time for bonding. These were with larger groups of more than 4, and the reason I no longer bond groups larger than 4. Thats likely something that will happen with time, but as long as they are not going to attack each other and there are no serious chases, the rabbits are bonded and they can move-in together. Learn about their specialized care. When the rabbits return home, they will be in a settled bond that will allow them to comfortably and safely live together in the same environment. This means that if you immediately place a second rabbit into your original rabbits home, they will likely end up fighting. Male rabbits are also still viable for a number of weeks after the surgery. Contact a location near you for products or services. Dont get another rabbit just because you think you should. This should cause the rabbits to inadvertently groom each other while they are licking the treat off. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I would be very happy to help with bonding your rabbits. Youll also want to have two of everything because sometimes rabbits dont like sharing litter boxes and food bowls to begin with. If that doesnt work see if you can spend a few days at a friend or family members house. Unsweetened applesauce is a common option that is well-loved among rabbits. Not as stressful for the rabbits after the first stage. Please do not be tempted to rush things and give too much freedom too quickly; ignoring the small space rule because your bunnies seem to be firm friends has been the undoing of many bonded rabbits. It usually takes between two weeks and two months to bond a pair of rabbits. On average, bonding two rabbits will take anywhere from two weeks to two months. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. A small box, pet carrier, or laundry basket are good options. Serious injury can easily occur without you there to supervise their interaction. Just remember that whatever method you choose, you want to avoid the possibility of territorial aggression by making it as neutral as possible. Finding a perfect companion for your rabbit is often thought to be a tricky experience. If you want to successfully bond two rabbits, youll need to make some preparations and do some planning. To talk to us about bonding your rabbit with a new friend, call us on 01803 812121 or email info@animalsindistress.uk.com. One grooming per bunny per stay is included. A volunteer will work with you and your rabbit to find a suitable partner using speed dating short periods of supervised introduction. Not only are they being fed the wrong food but they are kept in small, cramped and dirty cages never having the chance to run free or to feel the love of a companion rabbit, a situation for which the pet industry and breeders bear most of the blame. As we know mounting/chasing is regularly seen in a new bond to show dominance. Check out our Adoption FAQ and fill out an application to get the process started! Click on the Bunny Bonding Guide to flip through our interactive resource or download the PDF here. Even more confusing, every bonding is different so there is no set of rules you can follow that will 100% lead you to success. Wait at least four weeks after all rabbits involved have been spayed or neutered before introducing them in the same space (they can still be housed next to each other in separate enclosures). Your rabbits will board with us for 7 - 14 days, and whilst in our care we will conduct the bonding activity for you. We rely on boarding and bonding fees to help pay our extensive veterinary services. Our insulated and heated equipment ensures we can keep both indoor and outdoor rabbits comfortable during their stay. If the bathroom isnt working, try the kitchen. These cookies do not store any personal information. 2 weeks, during which your rabbits would board here. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Bonding Support Consultation 0.00 Book Now Rabbit Bonding Support Consultations You can choose whichever technique you want to get started, but if the bonding is not working, try moving to a different technique and see how it goes. In our experience though, it is often as much about a safe bonding process as anything else! When moving from one step to the next, especially when increasing space, its common for rabbits to have minor setbacks as they settle into the new space. Rabbits are also hierarchical by nature. Bunnies need specialized care as "exotic" pets. When feeding newly bonded rabbits, its helpful to scatter their pellets in their hay or on the floor of their accommodation at first, so that you can monitor how they are at feeding time. If this ceased before homecoming and then begins again, it may be one or other rabbit deciding to try and assert themselves, and in some cases it may be a different rabbit to the one who was boss previously. Most people will recommend keeping them separated and swapping their living spaces like this for a week before starting the bonding. The process should always take place in a neutral territory and all rabbits involved should already be spayed or neutered. You dont have the time to continue with the bonding. The bonding process that you choose will depend on the personalities of the rabbits involved and the amount of time you have. When your bunnies return home it is normal for a few problems to arise, you as a bunny slave also have to play a part in the bonding process They will need reduced space in order to understand that they are now a pair/group and that they dont need to run away! This is when your rabbit is put in a pen with another rabbit. Many animal shelters will be able to facilitate this kind of bunny speed dating, especially those that specialize in small animals. Match-making and Bunny bonding services We love to help bunnies fall in love. When bonding my own rabbits I found that it didnt affect their relationship with me in the slightest, I bonded strongly with Derrick and that has never changed even though he is part of a group of four now. If you need help getting your rabbit to bond with a new partner, we can help. 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bunny bonding service

bunny bonding service