ex unfriended me during no contact

When everyone had gone me and her were downstairs, her brother mum and daughter had gone to sleep. This is something I have talked about numerous times throughout this site so it only makes sense that I talk about it again here. My ex texted . January 15, 2023 12:57pm. To reiterate my previous statement, staying in deliberate contact with your ex that doesnt want to hear, see or be reminded of you, is a huge mistake. Well, what we know so far is that they feel entitled to a response. My ex (19F) broke up with me (18F) September of last year. It's All About Getting Control To Deal With Your Ex This is where No Contact is important. Why do you think I want you to be the one to make the first move no matter what? 3. If you start applying the no contact rule after the breakup, you are not only giving yourself the best chance to get your ex back, but you are responding with maturity and dignity. She told me she would manage her time for me. Its been a week, probably not long enough. Here are some things that could go wrong for your ex during no contact and make your ex think about you: Most people think about their exes when their lives are going very bad. In terms of (long-term) happiness, it doesnt matter whether your ex thinks about you, cries because of you, looks at your photos, breadcrumbs you, and tells you how much he or she loves you. So, they are probably going to be thinking of the whole no contact experience as a game. I cant understand why he has done this as hes always been so set on being with me. Your ex wont forget about you if you go no contact. What do you think is considered a long time for an ex boyfriend to respond to you? But then again, you dont want your ex to think about you in a bad light. Neither of us have contacted one another. You are worthy of love. You have embarked on the no contact rule and you are feeling pretty darn good about yourself. Maybe you have just started it or maybe you are coming close to your end date. So whether I tell you that your ex will forget about you or remember you forever, bear in mind that my words wont change the outcome. Sometimes they focus on themselves and others and see no reason to go back to their ex. He said I deserve better and cannot wait. Thats when i decided to call it quits. Hence I feel that no-contact is more successful at helping the dumpee heal, but is less successful at helping the dumpee get the dumper back. That battle between the pride and the heart is what your ex could be going through if he is experiencing what we are talking about here. I am currently almost day 6 and struggling. You will become that bothersome ex. Here is the deal though. If you really think she is posting how happy she is to simply make you jealousthen youre letting her manipulate you. In the beginning of this month my boyfriend broke up with me because he said he didnt feel the same as he felt before the lockdown, he told he as been feeling like this for 3 weeks now (its important to know that he suffers from diagnosed anxiety). Just make sure to work on yourself so that you dont excessively depend on your romantic partners for reassurance and self-love. I told her I absolutely cant do that right now, and dont even know if I will ever. This victimized role he is going to place himself in is going to cause him to want revenge on you in some way shape or form. For now, just hit "unfollow" not "unfriend" so you're not tormented by his Facebook updates. Here is what a failing attitude looks like: I am so depressed he hasnt called me my life revolves around him blah, blah, blah.. Endlessly It could be that he feels annoyed by your chains of endless status update everyday. Keep the Faith . It might make you feel less wanted, but thats just your damaged confidence and self-esteem talking. I have been through this several times. Then he unblocked me for a month, and then blocked me again for 3, unblocked me for 2 weeks, and have been blocked ever since. Be the one to end the conversation. He called after a week that he wants to talk about his feelings and wants to focus on starting a family. He has an avoidant attachment style and has difficulty expressing his emotions. Things got hectic with my daughter, her fiance and child moving in with us with my 2 sons who also live in my home. Eventually i agreed to go out with this guy after some weeks of talking.2 months into the relationship, he gave me a promise ring and said he wanted to marry me. So let's say you don't follow the sage advice in this article and you stay in touch with your ex and he starts seeing another girl. She even said she was sorry. I got a positive reply saying hes really missed talking over the last few days and would really like to talk soon. So my ex (31F) broke up with me (26M) over a month ago after a 3 and a half year relationship. Something my ex said in a conversation still leave me thinking if I was an asshole during our relationship. You know, how breakups are hard on everyone involved. 2. You can pretty much assume that she still has feelings regarding you. Be flawlessly polite and kind with all contact, but NEVER beg for your ex back. How do I tell him all this for a second chance? Work was busy etc. However, if you try to call and she doesn't answer, don't worry. Ive stated to her when she broke up with me that I would never come back, and she told me she wanted me to come back but as a friend. Seriously, they will sit around and cry because he didnt call or text. Are Dumpers Afraid To Contact Their Dumpees? In this. Well, obviously Ex Boyfriend Recovery took off after that but if you go back and re-read my program you are going to learn a few interesting things. In other words, if the dumpee is out of the dumpers sight, why wouldnt the dumpee also be out of the dumpers mind? Conclusion. Often times it is doing the things that scare us most that yield the greatest results. They might want to be friends, they might want reconciliation, or they might want validation. She became sick, maybe of too much stress doing it. What is in your control, however, are the mistakes you make after the breakup. Thanks for your time. I mean, yeah, I do love her. Would you like to know where I came up with that mindset? What about when you were a little bit older and saw something at the store that you really wanted but they were simply silent to your request? That immediately closes your exs possibility of returning back to you. Your ex won't forget about you during no contact To start with a little bit of hope to cling to, rest assured that dumpers don't just forget dumpees. and yes i still love him and want him back but he with someone else and 4 days after saying he got new girl he told me to move on and let him be.i wonder what wrong i did.i still miss him alot and yearn for him and i was loyal to him whole time we dated.it hurts still and i want him backIm in rebound relationship with a man whose behaviour and temperament is like of my exwhat i do now..help me out thanks in advance , I need help and advise. Eventually she got tired of me. This is me taking responsibility for not explaining the no contact rule as thoroughly as I should have. All of the sudden, they are telling you that he has gone MIA on them and not returning their texts or attempts to get ahold of him. But there's one particular reason that stands out from the rest. she had met all my family and me the same with her with the family she has here!! My bf and I were together over 6 years. Her last post was about our dogs (4 years) birthday, but she broke up with us 4 months ago and is no longer part of our dogs life.so I am very confused since it has now been 7-days since we have not spoke. I am happy to advise on either path that you choose, but you need to think if this is a person who is worth your time and effort. Don't mope around. I'm guessing that maybe whoever shes dating tells her to block you. In the beginning he was periodically call me and text me very little now that Im at this point he has been calling me every day as often as multiple times a day. As a matter of fact, your ex will remember you when the new person reminds him/her of you or when your ex does something he or she did with you. Do that by asking your ex why he or she reached out and responding appropriately. Allow yourself to release the pain. I think a relationship with this person will be difficult because times like this make him want to flee. Its not that we dont care. Sometimes when a girl messages me first I think to myself. Towards the beginning of this guide I went on this whole rant about how the no contact rule can still be working even if your ex doesnt contact you. Whatever the case if your ex boyfriend hasnt contacted you yet dont freak out. Now heres the problem. Sometimes it really pays to be the first one making the move on your ex because not only can you control things a little bit better it is always kind of nice when a guy feels wanted. I thought about it and I wanted to give her a second chance but she now wants time as well apparently because of unfairly I treated her. How do I know this? She cheated before. Give full vent to your feelings in the comments section below the post. And never start off with the I First though, I would like to take the spotlight off of him for a while and talk about YOU. Well, when it comes to making your ex miss you, and to successfully bring him back into your life, you will need to put your profiles into overdrive. Common. I did not wanted really get committed too soon in a relationship and would have preferred to take my time too. I told him that I felt hurt and I did not wanted to make things worse between us, so when ready I would have kept in touch. 2. Gojira_Kan 3 yr. ago. This is SOOOO wrong on so many different levels. If you don't unfriend your ex on social media, this could become an uncomfortable reality for you. Maybe they really have moved on and feel ready to rip the bandage off. All these things will affect your emotions and your thoughts. I know that guy and I know he is in a relationship with someone else now. So, what is no contacts true purpose? Thus, when a breakup occurs a lot of us dont like talking about it. I wouldnt be able to take her back on the spot, but if she would work for it really hard and show me things are different now, I might give her another chance. Why would he even feel the need to get back at you?. Whats interesting is that I have had multiple women contact me here on Ex Boyfriend Recovery wondering if they should contact their ex after the no contact. I did do a little begging afterwards and tried to reach a resolution but he was adamant it was over. She's telling you that she wanted to stay but it hurt her to do so and her unfriending you is her taki. Prevents you from seeing what he's up to because sometimes you really don't want to know. In all, there are 3 legitimate reasons that come to mind. You start off with really high hopes that throughout this process he will end up contacting you. Hi Mavis, you would need to do a 30 Limited no contact as you live together (I assume you still are) I would also have to assume by trying for a baby and it hasnt happened yet that maybe there was tension between you both. This is especially true when it comes to men who are extremely stubborn. You women have a sense of entitlement. We broke up on a Sunday and whilst I said i thought there was something to fight for he was clear wed made a choice to part ways and that was right. I said ok. And I left again. Ive been broken up with my ex for about a month and 2 weeks. But if your ex is smart, your ex will work on them so that your ex doesnt encounter the same issues in the next relationship. I dont mean her full attention towards me, i even asked only a little of her time. Well, while you are discouraged that he hasnt grown a spine and contacted you to at least see how you are doing he is sitting back chanting. In other words, the how part of him getting back at you?. Now Im trying to get her back but she keep on saying she doesnt wanna be in relationship. Why the No-Contact Rule Does Not Work It's fair to say that a lot of people struggle to maintain 30 dayslet alone 60 daysof no contact with their ex. Hope you get better soon. It can be entirely possible that the no contact rule was working you just have no idea because he has an amazing poker face. Perhaps he just doesnt want a relationship with me. Thus, many women feel almost entitled when it comes to men talking to them. I said that I am a normal simple woman and I would like to have family, that I would like him to propose to me. Don't answer his messages, don't visit his social media profiles, remove him from your fb feed so you don't receive the daily updates. Recently I called him during the day but he didnt pick and so I decided to send him a message enquiring why he was not picking my calls. Hai Julian.. follow the no contact rule for urself Not to get her back Work on urself Give time for yourself to heal The first few weeks may be torturous.. You go in thinking that he is a shoe in to message you throughout the period but it doesnt happen at all. Look at this (she has a anonymous twitter account where she vent her fellings about everything), she does not know i know about it. Trust me. Technically this guy is not an ex.. we met back in 2014 and talked for months over the phone but never hung out he ended up getting back together with his high school sweet heart than in 2016 they broke up again and we talked he ended up getting back together with her finally in 2021 we matched on tinder he was still with her and ended up ghosting me months later he contacted me on a Facebook I didnt use.. we than matched on tinder again and he messaged me saying they had broke up three months prior and she had moved to another province.. What I should do? Hello Zan, You need to be aware of that so you dont let your ex lead you on and discard you when youve served your purpose. Maybe focus more on you than herand try not to overthink things. He talked about maybe how things annoyed him that he hasnt spoke of but wouldnt tell me what they were. We had rented our apartment together and the 23th August we went for the sign off, I found out about this other guy from malasya who left a few days after that day back to his country, and obviusly hurted me a lot and I say a few things to her, no bad words, just the truth, and bcs of it she blocked me everywhere, social media phone email etc ecte cte the 15 Of September i made a call, we spoke for 10 minutes, she was receptive with what i had to say, I was just wishing the best luck for her and telling her that I had no resenment. Seriously, when you sit back at the end of the day having completed a no contact rule what is it that you are aiming to have accomplished? Last text said his job was giving him a good distraction. I felt he is worth waiting for but he think it wont work between us.has he made his mind forever? University of Idaho murder suspect Bryan Kohberger may have been driven to kill by his history of social issues and a possible "incel complex," a former FBI . Thank you so much But you shes right, you cant do that until you figure yourself out. Its just the way it works. Dont text her!!! Following the no contact rule with you may be their way of protecting themselves, or they could be using it to show their displeasure with you. I have seen a lot of people with that attitude fail but I have also seen a lot of people with that attitude succeed. Leave her while you are still healthy. I am doing no contact but he had already been pretty silent. Once youve recovered to the point where you stop obsessing about your ex uncontrollably, youll see that the breakup happened for a reason (stupid cliche, I know) and that youre much happier now that your ex is out of your life. Things changed when she came back, she wasnt the same person I knew. Does this mean that the no contact failed? He suddenly flared up and told me he does not want to have anything to do with me and he has blocked me on all social media platforms. You can do this! We ended on good terms, and I did a little begging on Thursday when he broke up with me but other than that I havent. And then ego will get the better of him. As to why, I don't know. However, I still did not feel confident as a woman, I did not feel that we were planning the future together. The point I am trying to make here is that silence is very powerful and the no contact rule uses silence to its advantage. These two reasons are the only perpetrators and the main reasons why you as a dumpee may think that blocking your ex to get him back is a good idea. Your job as a dumpee, therefore, is to allow your ex to relieve pressure, anger, or guilt and enjoy life without interruptions and reminders of you. It just means that with some guys you are going to have to be the one to make the first step. No matter what I want YOU to be the one to text him. You have been in the no contact period for about 10 days but he hasnt contacted you. How are things between you and your ex now? We had some messages back and forward thst day, she said our relationship was over 2 weeks ago when I told her fuck you. What Happens When You Ignore A Breadcrumber? However, his pride is telling him not to do it. . There's no such thing as an altruistic . You need to have some self respect and learn to love yourself more. 5,880 views Mar 15, 2021 So your ex unfriended you on Facebook and you are wondering why this happened. Well, today we are going to be tackling one of the most asked questions when it comes to the no contact rule. However, if he does end up biting the bullet and contacting you in that 21-30 day window that means there is a serious internal battle going on within him. I replied saying let me know if you want to talk. One of the most interesting trends I found relating to the no contact rule is that the women that have the attitude that I outlined above always seem to do well in the big picture when it comes getting their ex boyfriends back. And if he doesnt feel it, then maybe he just doesnt love me like he would love another woman. Hes wanted to see me and Ive always just been nervous to see him again about a month in after 4-9 hour phone conversations he said I love you and weve been saying that for the last three months we got into a fight about a month ago he was upset I hadnt come to see him but we continued on talking hes told me Im the one for him hes talked about houses to buy and having kids with me and that he thinks Im his twinflame hes even read books about twin flames hes sent me. So I met this guy last year November and we started talking. In other words, his heart is having a major battle with his pride. She said she still loves me and misses me but knwing she cant guarantee that she would compromise on us, she would like us to become friends instead. We spoke the following Tuesday for an hour. They may not think about them as strongly and frequently as you think about your ex (especially right after the breakup), but they certainly dont erase dumpees from their memory. I have heard nothing. Anxiety sucks tbh Im a good person i surely showed that to her and her family. He hasnt texted me though, and I want to get him back. On some level, he has an idea of when he thinks he can reach out. What about when you were in high school and you really liked a boy who wouldnt give you the time of day? Easier said than done but I believe in you. This internal battle between his heart and his pride will rage on for days. Theres no time it takes each person to go through all stages. This is why, if your ex has texted you during No Contact, don't mess her around by not responding to her, or replying to her but acting like you're not really interested in her anymore (e.g. The dumpee is no longer in the dumpers mind by being out of her sight, and the dumper can freely enjoy her new relationship without facing the guilt and remorse for leaving the dumpee for someone else. They prevent you from moving on. The secret subtext behind every happy birthday text from an ex is: Look at me, I'm so ~over it~ that I can wish you a "happy" day and it's totally fine! to name a few. we had our first sexual encounter and after that his behavior changed. You agonize and fret about what your ex is thinking and feeling at that moment of no contact. He got angry and broke up with me. So, there is no use getting all depressed over a strategy that is literally at its beginning. Thats when they improve their perceptions of their exes and oftentimes even interact with them. I mentioned she had a story still on her Instagram of her ex, why did she still have it, obviously that makes me look jealous though so I wish I hadnt mentioned it, she said she didnt even realise it was there, and she hasnt watched it and its over a year old, I said she asked me to remove everything of my ex from my profile and I did when we first met (I had like 3 posts on my insta from like a year ago) as I knew how It made her feel, so how do you think it makes me feel to see that, as I still follow her. We were trying for a baby and had been together years. I told her again Id support her and wait until she was ready Ill always be here for her and I like her for who she is with and without problems it didnt matter to me because I like her. As I teach in my No Contact Rule Book, some men are extremely stubborn and will refuse to be the one that reaches out first during the no contact period. I know that was an incredibly weird picture for me to paint right now but the point I am trying to make here is that your ex boyfriend knows that deep down HIS silence will hurt you and its his only way of getting back at you without actually seeming crazy. Then you are going to be extremely disappointed and depressed if stuff like this doesnt happen at all. Also, I have the option to move out of state for a new job.should I take that, or continue to be in the same city, despite her not knowing where I am etc. Do you think I still have a chance? He hasnt replied since and its been 2 weeks hes really stubborn and is very protective of his pride. 3. I done so much for her in the last 2 and half months helped her with things, advice on stuff, picked her daughter up with her and thats fine I done it because I like her I expect nothing in return for good deeds but its made me feel like cant she see i made one silly mistake I was frustrated people have arguments in relationships you learn about each other in a way from these type of things!! Her family loved me as well and they told me they will miss me even though I will run into them from time to time. Its up to your ex to decide what to do with shortcomings and relationship problems. I got as far as typing the text message that I wanted to send into my phone but for whatever reason my pride prevented me from hitting that send button. They literally asked me what I thought and when I told them that I thought it would be ok they decided against it because of that sense of entitlement. Thats because youll rationally discern that your ex wasnt a bad person and that you wouldnt mind getting back with your ex. You Keep Updating Your Status Like. In that case, one needs to adjust to solo parenting so the kids can thrive. Like people said above, We took our power back from the experience of being dumped.. and to them it probably looks like you don't care anymore and blocking you is trying to get your attention and maybe have you feel a type of way to reach out @ some point. So I dont think it was really necessary to contact me. I have covid, he saw my photo in instagram and he didnt even ask how he was doing. 8. If he doesnt then he doesnt and it will be his loss., (And again, if he doesnt contact you that doesnt mean that NC didnt work.). There are two main reasons why your ex (who consistently treated you poorly), unfollowed you on social media: He just can't. He's hurt either by you or by having to see your photos. She also then started seeing someone from work which really upset me because it was so soon after we broke up and . A Bothersome Ex. Going no contact is particularly useful after a relationship's breakup, especially if you were the one who was dumped or betrayed. I really dont want her to forget about me and actually would like her to come crawling back. He begs and pleads until I come back then decides he doesnt want to commit all over again. They would have to date hundreds of people for that to happen. Would you rather him do it? I told him I felt hurt and I would have contacted him when I was better. All over again embarked on the no contact rule uses silence to its advantage out! For you too soon in a conversation still leave me thinking if will... An idea of when he thinks he can reach out times throughout this site so it only makes that. Affect your emotions and your thoughts mum and daughter had gone to sleep his changed. 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ex unfriended me during no contact

ex unfriended me during no contact