i know my husband cheated but he won't admit it

If you have evidence that they cheated, they will usually blame their actions on someone else. So it took me days to build his trust and get him to talk about it eventhough I was burning with anger and rage. if so, than sex is not the issue here. He never really woukd talk about her. If you didn't cheat on your husband, he most likely passed the STD on to you. A few months went by, we were still talking here and there. i was confussed i decided to take a boyfriend but could not work out everytime the boyfriend phoning me to meet i go and if he touched me i think of my boyfriend and leave i did not do anything with him but was trying becouse of anger. A few hours later I look again and find he had deleted the app. Maybe thats the best place to start. He says it was just curiosity of knowing how it felt to be with other women, but now he knows it was not worth it. With that being said, I took what he said and sort of believed him. I feel like if u separate temporarily you guys may rediscover why you fell in love and get back to a healthy, loving, trusting, and respectful relationship. As soon as he is back at work, I decide to sniff around. I know this because I caught him making out with a woman in his car outside a bar 2 years ago. But dont blow other things out of proportion that could have other explanations! It was a nightmare..he cried, he bawled like a baby.. Our daughter drove to this whores home, took back her office key, and demanded the jewelry back. He is not behaving in any way that should gain your confidence. Lately though up until now he doesnt try to even hardly make a move to sleep with mehe never makes out with me unless we are doing it. He wouldnt leave around the same time she would leave. Are your kids all boys? even he cm frm job weekly once he s not interested to talk to me n sex with me. I feel for you, stay safe. He said he had set this site up for his friend who he went to visit a few weeks ago. Well I posted a Meme on my snapchat saying its sad we live in a generation where a female will pass up on a single man just to pursue a married man bc she likes the way he treats his wife. Faithfulness and marriage will become something of the past and soon enough obsolete. When I talked to him about this I didnt get the sense that he was lying. Im hurting. he said no that is why we are going out this side door. I dont know why I tried for years and years and hoped that someday it would get better. He said he loved me and he didnt want her, but I think it was because she was married with kids and I think if she hadnt have been he would have been off like a shot. When i confronted him on them he said i knew that you saw those and its not cheating. In it, he had archived messages where hed been talking to a very young (21), pretty girl from his country, sending her way more hearts and kisses and compliments (he told her shes beautiful and gorgeous) then he ever does me and he asked her in a regular pic she sent why she wasnt naked. Me and my boyfriend has been together for 4yrs now. Im sorry I cant answer everyones comments! They also completed scales that measured sexual personality variables and answered questions about their relationships. Again Im 8 months pregnant he claims to be sorry. You could be the most confident woman in the world, yet because your marriage is on the rocks due to a cheating husband, you instantly feel your self-esteem take a hit. We been married for 10yrs . Witch makes me think if hes having a affair that its not physical but emotional. Other than to say this: if youre unhappy in your marriage and your husband wont do anything to help improve the relationship, then you need to leave him. Finally I found all my strength and went away for a while. The bottom line is not whether or not he actually slept with someone, it is the betrayal and lack of respect demonstrated by the behavior. He offers his arm to me and escorts me, pointing out hazards (be careful) that could snag my heels. Hes the three things he says he hates the most. Songs were written about this, that's how much it's true. I still kept finding little signs of their contact and all along he was telling me Im crazy. this set off many alarms. well i told him i did not want them talking theres no need for him to have pictures of another women in his phone. Its not rejection, its not guilt The guy is a cheating liar. We met one more time a week before they officially got married. Or the situation. We never fight and we just never have any issues. When I told him why, he didnt respond. That area in a marriage should always be up for discussion, never hid or kept secret like an affair because surprisingly some women may be opt to get more comfortable with your hobbies and of course others may not. And yeah what he said is the same to what your lover does. His ego is having a party he has two women who want him! How to Let Go. Instead, either ask them to come to you or pay for a cab. What is it for you? He REFUSES to go to counciling with me and i told him its because hes affraid a professional will expose him and his lies! he would defend her till the end.. she would text me and tell me that her and him were very close and that he meant everything to her, and that their relationship was more than just business colleagues. I could walk away from this and just take it a misunderstanding..and I wanting a blood test. It finally evolved to me confront my husband about them being emotionally attached to one another(since that was obvious especially on her end). i dont even know how he satified all us. I think she forgot he was not at work when she placed that Thursday Morning call. I too have been in this marriage for almost 20 years now. I pray you work through the negative emotions, and find yourself in a peaceful place on the other side of all that pain. Ive been married 18 years and I have a suspicision but thats it.hopefully its nothing. He is not a nice man. I say where text a friend of his stating that he just put one of the realest girl her had ever met on a plane. Never feel like you cannot ask him to leave. There is an instinct within us that drives us to procreate with different partners because that results in successful dispersion of our genes. Vickie, you already know honey. We were together about a year when he left. He even has a profile set up I confronted him and he denies its him he says someone set him up. he keeps saying that my assumption of him having an affair is what has ruined us, but I cannot fathom who in their right mind would work for a year earning nothing, getting nothing for it at all, if there wasnt something else in it for him? at home hes become more and more distant. He admitted he told her not to email on his days off or at night because he would be with me. It sounds like your marriage is pretty much finished unless your very forgiving. We live with my parents currently and I know hes not happy here (my parents are not the easiest people to live with not to mention we pay half the bills and are pretty much stuck in one room) and lately I have had this feeling that he has cheated on me. His affair was just a way of building his confidence up and dealing with a fact hes married to incredibly successful woman. My amazing man who lifted up my spirits like nobody else could, had shattered my world with an affair. Confront him? Bottom line, you deserve better honey! The story just would match up. This is part of a behavior pattern. Most men will start out as friends and will end up cheating on their wife.. My husband was texting a female at work all night, I asked who the woman was and he said it was an older woman from another line (he works in a large assembly plant). We built a house and moved in together in June of this year. I have gotten picked at by women I dont no are they would just ask up to him and ask question like where you been and he explains to them. my husband is having an affair and he is denying it, My husband is cheating and denying it all the time. I asked him over and over. 10? Is it ok that he texts and calls her on a regular basis. Hes lost a lot of weight. He owns his own business and ends his day at the same place before coming everyday (another womans business). Makes me feel bad when I dont want to have sex. You also need to know yourself! The first two weeks I moved, things were normal. I did not waste my time to put effort into getting hard facts. But his behavior has changed so drastically it kind of says to me that now that Im gone, he wants the single life. He walked to his vehicle and left the parking lot and I proceeded into the store. I was in such a state about Mom, that clearly I wasnt thinking but did email her and assumed by hearing from me and knowing my mother was dying , this woman woukd have the decency to respect boundaries. As children we learn our value from those that we depend on the most . He thought I wouldnt say anything. I cant predict the future but I know that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. In general, if you suspect your husband is cheating, then he probably is. The only question now is if you want to remain married to the man who is doing this to you & the kids. I think you know the right answer. I hesitated and the asked her in the hell was he not with her and she didnt know where he was when I was sitting in the parking lot beside both of their vehicles. I do not know if he regrets that decision (although I personally think he does at some level). I have become very suspisious of him always calling him checking smss. Unfortunately, doing the right thing often involves pain, heartache, and courage! You are worth more than that. I found out he contacted her, had been contacting her and became obsessed with her while away. The good news is that youre not alone look how many women are struggling with the same issues! It will be much safer for everyone involved. Enough saidwhen your surrounding slowly starts giving you a bad eye or bad looks then it means the person you are with is giving you a bad name. He used to be home by 420p when he gets off work at 3pm and now hes coming home closer to 7pm. He has taught me the biggest lesson of my life! How to Be Your Own Private Investigator https://www.theadventurouswriter.com/quipstipsrelationships/is-he-cheating-how-to-be-a-private-investigator/. If he had nothing to hide, why become defensive, and protective, and secretive? Please think hard about someone you can trust to talk about this with, someone who isnt involved at all. You are worth it!! I said that I was already in the parking lot near the doors around the corner from the office. I just hate you why wont you just disappear . Ive been married 3 years now. Than I forgot about it. We have been married for 16 years. Thinks we can work on this together and tells me that I can go if I want to. i just need some help figuring this out please HELP!!! You know it and he knows you know it. I didnt really suspect he was cheating until I noticed something strange: he had returned from a business trip and given me a cute skirt, but withheld other cute, sexy items and said, these things are none of your business. Dear Crazy Lady, Don't predicate your healing on what your ex does or does not do. I want to believe that he didnt sleep with any of these women but deep down I dont trust him at all. Shift the blame onto me again, said they were now just friends blah blah blah.Well we went back and fourth with our marriage and still are..It has been a very difficult ride for us and our children..Everyone is suffering..but now we are taking action , I am going to work on myself first and then if everything falls into place our marriage will be worked on. He does not want to go to counseling. Please look it up. And that is a bad relationship. ? Is he cheating when you find blatant signs? Its a fascinating look into a marriage and the mind of a cheating man! These are some of the signs. He doesnt text me when hes up or going to bed. Well he falls asleep and I went through his phone and found somethings from a female he said was like a sister. If you happen to be in the Muncie/Indiana area, and his name happens to be Donald then Hi!! I thought at the time, there was a good chance of an affair. This means that your husbands friends have a very real, direct effect on your marriage. if one in every two men cheat, than a guy with two friends, has a 75% chance of having a cheating friend, its just numbers, and it means nothing. So go F yourself.. A year ago my husband received an email from a female worker with a bikini picture attached. Somedays its more than I can take and I just want to end it all. Its important to work through your thoughts and feelings, so you can figure out the best way to approach your husband and get back on the right track. I hate these women working with our husbands and our husbands letting some other woman at work be the friend. (I asked him about her back then because he had her phone number on his cell phone contact list at the time). The pictures on her profile were all bikini pictures. You can recover honey. When I approach him, while he is looking at his iPhone or texting on it, he immediately puts in sleep mode and inserts phone in to his pant pockets. Betrayal is such a painful and difficult experience that extends far beyond the physical act. When I suggested that monogomy was unnatural by no means was I trying to imply that what I was suggesting was factual or applied to everybody. Is it that he is bored with me and cant connect? He also admitted that he had been regularly deleting his FB history but that he was careless this one time and forgot to do it. Im somewhat independent and move with focus and intent. My gut keeps saying my husband is unfaithful, but Im just not sure. 7 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Stopped Calling and Texting, Is Your Husband Using Facebook to Cheat on You? Thanks so much for this advice and for responding to all these comments! How to know what love is, on quips and tips for love and relationships. (he knew how they hated me so used them as an escape). I want to believe he still loves me but it is really hard. Were 3 years after the big reveal, on my birthday, as my husband was reading to the boys upstairs. He tells me he has not done anything with them and so on. What are you doing in this relationship anymore. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years. Now he and I are back together, and they are still friends, and she talks about the other guys she dates, and I could care less. You need time to grieve the fact that your husband cheated on you and lied to youand then you have to think about what to do next. (anything more than that, will be icing on the cakeGod willing! Be strong. He gets mad if I bring her up, still denies it, and wont discuss it period. Thank you for being here, and sharing your experience of trust in your marriage. I feel bad now though because after 2 years from that point, I met a random guy at the post office and we really hit it off. Its on you at this point to get out of this. Im glad it helped you, and hope it helps others who might be in the same situation. ), and he is leading her on. Im not his mother. I asked him and of course he lied. And noticed he visited a p*rn site during the time he was angry at me a few hours ago. He is cheating,so Am I. I need out. I feel like I have gone insane. I have brought up that I am suspect of him cheating, and he gets very angry and defensive. He claims if he was cheating he wouldnt be here, and that an EX is an EX for a reason. after being together for a few months we got married and all I could think was how wonderful he was and what a blessing he is to me and my daughter. My prayer for you is for wisdom and clarity. Then 4 days ago i received our cell phone bill in the mail and we had been charged overage charges due to too many text messages. He admitted he deleted the emails as they came in. I didnt press charges, thinking of his wife and family..U see I kind of know his wife, and went to high school with his sis-in-law. Some software programs let you know all about hidden actions that your husband does online. But the worst thing that any woman of any age or relationship status can do is give up her own sense of worth, independence (financially and emotionally), and self respect. My doctor and a psychologist has told me to divorce and move on that I will never let it go. Our sex life is non-existent. Laurie .-= Laurie Pawlik-Kienlens last blog post11 Differences in the Way Husbands and Wives Handle Money =-. I learned about the affair Christmas morning. Please help he says I am crazy and that its all in my head, my husband started getting these weird text messages and voice mails he doesnt know how to change anything like that but anyways i check them often we dont live together so our relationship is rocky sometimes (we live together sometimes which is better then not living together)but last night he got this voice mail from this girl saying i wish you would let me know if you are coming over you you said you would after dark and i asked him about it when he finally answered his phone he denied it of course and told me to calm down and i needed to trust him more but there are rumors going around where he live that he is having an affair with this girl she is skinnier then me and i am devastated about this i made an appointment to go talk to a therapist we have 4 children our sex life hasnt changed when we are together if anything he wants it more then what he did before i dont know what to believe i need help really bad i hope some one can help me figure this out im dying inside and its hard to hide this form my kids. 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i know my husband cheated but he won't admit it

i know my husband cheated but he won't admit it