northwest airlines pension plan phone number

The ASA was revised to provide that the acquisition or disposition of shares of Pinnacle Stock pursuant to the terms of the Omnibus Agreement does not constitute a Change of Control (as defined in the ASA). The appropriate fiduciary of the Plans (other than the Independent Fiduciary) will determine that such investment will not impair the liquidity of the Plans such that the Plans would not be able to pay benefits and expenses when due. This is primarily due to the fact that Southwest Airlines does not serve 2 of the 3 Northwest hubsMemphis (Pinnacle's largest market) and Minneapolis. the official SGML-based PDF version on, those relying on it for In this regard, the Plans acquired Pinnacle Stock at a favorable price and the Plans obtained voting and management rights, anti-dilution rights, limits on Northwest's ability to terminate the ASA, rights to sell the Pinnacle Stock or dispose of it in an IPO in a variety of circumstances, and a protective Put Option. Plan Name. The Independent Fiduciary negotiated the terms of the Put Option which provide downside protection by permitting the Plans to sell the Pinnacle Stock back to Northwest for the greater of the original value at which it was credited to the funding standard account or its fair market value at the time it is sold back to Northwest. Thus, the ALPA agreement will be formally entered into and effective on the date of the voluntary contribution. the Federal Register. This exemption is conditioned upon adherence to the material facts and representations described herein and upon satisfaction of the following requirements: (a) The Plans acquire the Pinnacle Stock through one or more contributions by Northwest during the calendar years 2003 and 2004; (b) An independent qualified fiduciary (the Independent Fiduciary), acting on behalf of the Plans, represents the Plans' interests for all purposes with respect to the Pinnacle Stock, and determines, prior to entering into any of the transactions described herein, that each such transaction, including the contribution of the Pinnacle Stock, is in the interests of the Plans; (c) The Independent Fiduciary negotiates and approves the terms of any of the transactions between the Plans and Northwest that relate to the Pinnacle Stock; (d) The Independent Fiduciary manages the holding and disposition of the Pinnacle Stock and takes whatever actions it deems necessary to protect the rights of the Plans with respect to the Pinnacle Stock; (e) The terms of any transactions between the Plans and Northwest are no less favorable to the Plans than terms negotiated at arm's-length under similar circumstances between unrelated third parties; (f) The Independent Fiduciary determines the fair market value of the Pinnacle Stock contributed to each plan as of the date of each such contribution. (m) An analysis of the marketability, or lack thereof of the Pinnacle Stock, with specific reference to any restrictions, understandings, agreements, or obligations limiting the Plans' ability to dispose of the Pinnacle Stock. In this process, Northwest and Fiduciary Counselors each select their own nationally recognized valuation expert (Principals' Experts), which experts submit their appraisals to a third expert chosen by the Principals' Experts. Women's Bond NFT Collection northwest airlines pension plan phone number . If Fiduciary Counselors and Northwest are unable to agree on the valuation expert, the Omnibus Agreement sets forth a dispute mechanism to arrive at a final determination. As noted in the Department's Interpretive Bulletin, 29 CFR 2509.94-3(d) (59 FR 66736, December 28 1994), apart from consideration of the prohibited transaction provisions, plan fiduciaries must determine that acceptance of an in-kind contribution is consistent with ERISA's general standards of fiduciary conduct. documents in the last year, 37 Based on current client engagements, Fiduciary Counselors anticipates that the portion retained by it will comprise less than 5% of Fiduciary Counselors' gross revenue for 2003. Fiduciary Counselors stated that Eclat's valuation took into account a variety of financial data. Contributions of Pinnacle Stock to the Salaried Plan and the Contract Plan will likewise be held in a separate segregated subaccount of the Master Trust and held for the exclusive benefit of each respective plan. The President of the United States issues other types of documents, including but not limited to; memoranda, notices, determinations, letters, messages, and orders. At the time the voluntary contribution is made to the Pilot Plan, Northwest also will contribute Pinnacle Stock to the Salaried Plan in an amount such that the amount of the Pinnacle Stock held by the Salaried Plan equals the required minimum funding contribution due under ERISA and the Code on September 15, 2003. From a fiduciary standpoint, Independent Fiduciary was required to determine whether the terms it negotiated in the Omnibus Agreement and its decision whether to accept the Contribution were prudent, for the benefit of, and in the interest of, Plan participants and their beneficiaries. regulatory information on with the objective of To schedule an in-person visit, please click on the link below your desired NWA Location. The IF Report states that under the ASA, Northwest has committed 95 regional jet aircraft financed by Bombardier to be delivered to Pinnacle by December 31, 2004. To schedule an in-person visit, please click on the link below your desired NWA Location. Eclat states in the January 15, 2003 Valuation that the valuation includes competitive, operational and financial elements essential to validating Pinnacle's current market viability as a Northwest regional partner and as a stand-alone airline and that the valuation describes the state of the regional airline industry, delves into some of the more important issues surrounding Pinnacle specifically, provides a brief financial review of the carrier, explains the valuation methodology, compares Pinnacle to Continental Express, and comments on the stability of Northwest. In valuing Pinnacle Stock, the Independent Fiduciary specifically applied a 15% liquidity discount and a 5% discount to take into account that, for some period, the Plans would be a minority shareholder. In this regard, Fiduciary Counselors plans to hold periodic conference calls to report to the representatives of the participants covered by collective bargaining agreements on developments with respect to the Pinnacle Stock held by the plans. The Term Sheet originally placed the right to request this fairness opinion solely on the Plans' director, who asked that this duty be placed on the independent directors of which the Plans' director is a member. The requirement that the director nominated by the Plans approve any changes in the ASA will ensure that any modification of those terms is done only if the changes, taken as a whole, are favorable to Pinnacle and its shareholders, including the Plans. Call 202.693.7773 or TTY 202.693.7755. The value of Pinnacle Stock is determined by an independent fiduciary, Fiduciary Counselors, based on the valuation provided by their independent valuation firm, Eclat. The representations and warranties must be true at the time of any Contribution. On that day, ALPA, TWUA, NAMA, ATSA and the Company on behalf of its management and non-contract employees exercised the Special Conversion Option, with the IAM and IBT electing not to exercise the Special Conversion Option (63 shares are still owned by the ALPA trust). The ASA provides a range of revenues to be paid by Northwest to Pinnacle, and Eclat valued the Company based on the minimum revenues, which would result from the ASA. See Omnibus Agreement at section 6.2. Northwest notes that the board previously approved the Omnibus Agreement, which includes the Put Option, and no further action would be required of the board in the event that the Put Option is exercised by the Independent Fiduciary. The attention of interested person is directed to the following: (1) The fact that a transaction is the subject of an exemption under section 408(a) of the Act and section 4975(c)(2) of the Code does not relieve a fiduciary or other party in interest or disqualified person from certain other provisions of the Act and the Code, including any prohibited transaction provisions to which the exemption does not apply and the general fiduciary responsibility provisions of section 404 of the Act, which require, among other things, a fiduciary to discharge his or her duties respecting the plan solely in the interest of the participants and beneficiaries of the plan and in a prudent fashion in accordance with section 404(a)(1)(B) of the Act; nor does it affect the requirements of section 401(a) of the Code that the plan operate for the exclusive benefit of the employees of the employer maintaining the plan and their beneficiaries; (2) The exemption will not extend to transactions prohibited under section 406(b)(3) of the Act and section 4975(c)(1)(F) of the Code; (3) In accordance with section 408(a) of the Act and section 4975(c)(2) of the Code and the procedures set forth in 29 CFR Part 2570, Subpart B (55 FR 32836, 32847, August 10, 1990) and based upon the entire record, the Department finds that the exemption is administratively feasible, in the interests of the plans and their participants and beneficiaries and protective of the rights of the participants and beneficiaries of the plans; (4) This exemption is supplemental to, and not in derogation of, any other provisions of the Act and/or the Code, including statutory or administrative exemptions and transitional rules. This is because a cash contribution is not a viable alternative given the company's liquidity needs. documents in the last year, 117 The Additional Initial Contribution served to provide the Plans with added protection until Northwest obtained written assurances from the bank lenders that the Put Option does not violate the Credit Agreement. The documents posted on this site are XML renditions of published Federal The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable Eclat was provided with Pinnacle's audited financial statements for the years 2000 and 2001. Northwest will no longer guarantee a minimum operating margin in 2008. The IF Report summarizes that, in order to determine the value of Pinnacle, Eclat created a model based on the Three-Stage Free Cash Flow to Equity valuation technique. The target margin will be reset after 2008 based on historical and expected operating costs. 4. Contact Contact Customer Service If you need assistance with the Registration or Login process of our Web site, please email documents in the last year, 274 Select the item (s) you need from this menu. In this regard, as long as the Plans hold at least 5 percent of the Pinnacle Stock, the Plans will have the right to designate one nominee to Pinnacle's board of directors, and Northwest will vote the Series A Preferred Share held by it in favor of such designee. Registration rights and Plan director's rights preserve the value of the Pinnacle Stock while held by the Plans. Northwest Response: Northwest responded that Northwest recognizes that it and the airline industry face significant financial challenges. As Pinnacle grows to 95 aircraft, the number of passengers and revenue will more than double. The Omnibus Agreement provided for two contributions to be made to the Contract Plan on January 15, 2003. In valuing the Pinnacle shares, it was necessary to assign a value, not only to Pinnacle, but also to the Put Option. In determining the fair market value of the Pinnacle Stock, the Independent Fiduciary obtains an appraisal from an independent qualified appraiser selected by the Independent Fiduciary, and ensures that the appraisal and the Independent Fiduciary's analysis of the appraisal are consistent with sound principles of valuation and with the elements described by the Department in the Preamble to this final exemption in the section entitled Duties of the Independent Fiduciary; (g) The terms of (1) the Put Option granted by Northwest; (2) any exercise of the Put Option by the Plans; and (3) any sale of the Pinnacle Stock by the Plans to Northwest other than through the exercise of the Put Option will be in accordance with the terms set forth in the Term Sheet and the Omnibus Agreement; (h) Immediately after each contribution, employer securities and employer real property, including the Pinnacle Stock, will represent no more than 10 percent (10%) of the value of each Plan's assets. documents in the last year, 84 (3) any corporation or partnership of which such person is an officer, director, partner, or employee. Northwest appointed Fiduciary Counselors investment manager of the Investment Fund and Fiduciary Counselors has accepted this appointment. On December 2, 2002, the Employee Stock Plan was divided into three components, which were then merged into the existing Northwest Airlines Retirement Savings Plan for Pilot Employees, Northwest Airlines Retirement Savings Plan for Contract Employees and Northwest Airlines Retirement Savings Plan for Salaried Employees. The total value of the Initial Contribution and Additional Initial Contributions made to the Contract Plan was $43,821,894. Accordingly, the fiduciaries of a plan must act prudently, solely in the interest of the plan's participants and beneficiaries, and with a view to the need to diversify plan assets when deciding whether to accept an in-kind contribution. Fiduciary Counselors will also determine fair market value at the time it exercises the Put Option so long as the shares of Pinnacle Stock are not publicly traded. Moreover, the Plans will receive all of any investment gains attributable to their shares of Pinnacle Stock at the time of an IPO. The Independent Fiduciary negotiated the survival of the representations and warranties in general for 24 months after the Closing Date and indefinitely with respect to those relating to Northwest's ownership of the Pinnacle Stock and Pinnacle's ownership of the outstanding shares of Pinnacle Airlines, Inc. prior to the Initial Contribution; Northwest's ownership of the Pinnacle Stock prior to any subsequent Contribution; and Northwest's and NWA's representation that the contemplated transactions do not violate or result in a default under any of their material contracts, including without limitation, the Credit Agreement. (i) The Plans incur no fees, costs or other charges as a result of their participation in any of the transactions described herein. Northwest also believes that the value of Pinnacle Stock is less exposed to bankruptcy risk than Northwest stock. This value was further discounted by 4.48%, to Start Printed Page 49799$318,498,136, to reflect Northwest's ability to delay payment on the put for up to 6 months. are not part of the published document itself. The labor situation is Start Printed Page 49797stable. A Start Printed Page 49795breach of the Omnibus Agreement by Pinnacle constitutes an Early Termination Event if such breach continues because Northwest fails to exercise its rights as a stockholder to cause the Pinnacle directors to cure the breach or to replace such directors. Moreover, in connection with the Omnibus Agreement entered into between Fiduciary Counselors and Northwest, Fiduciary Counselors negotiated for limitations on Northwest's ability to unilaterally amend or terminate the ASA. At the present time, the Board was unable to make this finding. In addition, a fiduciary must act for the exclusive purpose of providing benefits to participants and beneficiaries; must act prudently; and must diversify the investment of plan assets to minimize the risk of large losses, unless under the circumstances it is clearly prudent not to do so. corresponding official PDF file on You are here: . Based on input from AIC, Eclat then applied a 15 percent liquidity discount and a 5 percent minority discount. Accordingly, this final exemption is issued solely by the Department. Eclat furnished to the Independent Fiduciary its report and opinion as to the value of the contributed Pinnacle Stock at the time of the Initial Contribution on January 15, 2003 (January 15, 2003 Valuation). The monthly contributions required to be made to the Pilot Plan pursuant to the pilot collective bargaining agreement are waived for the 2004 and 2005 Plan Year. Effective December 31, 1978, section 102 of Reorganization Plan No. The exemption affects participants and beneficiaries of, and fiduciaries with respect to, the Plans. On April 25, 2003, Fiduciary Counselors provided to the Department the Independent Fiduciary Report on Contribution of Pinnacle Airlines Corp. Stock to the Northwest Airlines Pension Plan For Contract Employees dated March 16, 2003 (the IF Report), the January 15, 2003 Eclat valuation of Pinnacle (the January 15, 2003 Valuation), and an explanation of the valuation of the Put Option. Northwest asserts that, if its current cash needs were not so great, Northwest would make its pension contributions in cash as it has in the past. (c) Protective of the rights of the participants and beneficiaries of the plans. 4. In connection with the Exemption Transactions, Northwest does not determine the value of Pinnacle Stock. Federal Register issue. The drop-off in premium passenger traffic, the weak U.S. economy, and the increased presence of low-cost carriers has impacted the ability of the network carriers to generate high yield revenue. After that date, the Omnibus Agreement provides Fiduciary Counselors with the right to cause an IPO of Pinnacle Stock. Employee Benefits Security Administration, Department of Labor. The Department asked the Independent Fiduciary if the January 15, 2003 Valuation was based on audited financial statements. It is not an official legal edition of the Federal Thus, almost all of the Series C Preferred Stock that remains in the Employee Stock Plan is allocated to the accounts of employees represented by the IAM and IBT. At the conclusion of these deliberations, it was clear that the legal restrictions applicable to stock buy backs under Delaware Law did not permit Northwest to proceed at this time with the buy back of the Series C Preferred Stock. The Investment Fund holds Pinnacle Stock on behalf of the Contract Plan and the Salaried Plan. The Proposed Exemption is part of Northwest's strategy to achieve that goal. Alternatively, Northwest could consider filing for bankruptcy, which would suspend most pension contributions, and could result in termination of some or all of the Plans.. The exemption permits: (1) The in-kind contribution(s) of the common stock of Pinnacle Airlines Corp.[1] Additionally, Fiduciary Counselors agreed only to a limited period during which Northwest has the exclusive right to cause an IPO. on Enter the nine-digit employee number and press #. The Independent Fiduciary must ensure that all of the conditions above are satisfied with respect to any past contributions of Pinnacle Stock, as well as any future contributions. Northwest stated that it would not. The Contract Plan, the Salaried Plan and the Pilot Plan will have the same registration rights provided in the Omnibus Agreement dated January 15, 2003 between Pinnacle Airlines Corp., Northwest and Fiduciary Counselors. The Independent Fiduciary negotiated a comprehensive set of representations and warranties relating to both Pinnacle Corp. and Northwest and its affiliates relating to Northwest's ability to honor the Put Option and to the value of Pinnacle Corp. documents in the last year, by the Engineers Corps and the Environmental Protection Agency Additional Initial contributions made to the Contract Plan on January 15, valuation... Number and press # Plan and the Salaried Plan cause an IPO Pinnacle..., and fiduciaries with respect to, the Omnibus Agreement provides Fiduciary Counselors investment manager the. This final exemption is part of northwest 's strategy to achieve that goal shares of Pinnacle Stock and press.... 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northwest airlines pension plan phone number

northwest airlines pension plan phone number