rehab acronym fema

ACADA Automatic Chemical Agent Detection and Alarm SES Senior Executive Service (photo/John M. Buckman III) Several key . PSL Private Sector Liaison FRC 1) Federal Records Center SRSC Strategic Review Steering Committee 2) Emergency Room 412 ( 5179) Food Coupons and Distribution FZDC Flood Zone Determination Company AEP Airport Emergency Plan CTUIR Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation FLS Flood Statement CLO Congressional Liaison Officer You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Kb Kilobit EMA Emergency Management Agency RAMOS Remote Automated Meteorological Observing System ITED IFSAR Terrain Elevation Data EPZ Emergency Planning Zone TIARA Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities TLC Territory Logistics Centers FASSE Federal Agency Support Service Element HIRA Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment MCA Multichannel Analyzer SALEMDUG State and Local Emergency Managers Data Users Group CNR Center for National Response, The MPU 1) Microprocessor Unit DALO Disaster Area Liaison Officer IAI International Association for Identifications EFO Emergency Field Office PDASH Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health RUS Rural Utilities Service(s) IRF Initial Response Force 2) Restricted Data CCSL Command and Control Simulation Lab CEXS Cooperative Extension Service MET Meteorologist (or Meteorological) BDC Bomb Data Center (FBI) ASOS Automated Surface Observing System 2) Medical Support Unit 2) Federal Initial Response Support Team FRP Federal Response Plan (now NRP) 3) Word Processing FORSCOM Forces Command NCEH National Center for Environmental Health KSA Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Psychiatrist Yokosuka, Japan. FRB Federal Reserve Board EQUIP Earthquake Impacts Projection (Model) CNSNS Commission for Nuclear Safety and Safeguards OC Operations Center Suggest. ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection 2) Population at Risk 2) Young Lawyers Division AAPA American Association of Port Authorities ESF 11 Agriculture and Natural Resources TSCC Transportation Security Command Center (affiliated with BTS) CO 1) Commanding Officer SDD Software Development Division NDMC National Drought Mitigation Center SMG Specialty Management Group VAERS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System LFE Lowest Floor Elevation HA Housing Assistance NGRS National Geodetic Reference System DWT Dead Weight 2) Incident Crisis Unit COGO Coordinate Geometry NPOESS National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System AWS Alternate Work Schedule 2) Atomic Energy Commission LTL Less-than Truckload COLA Cost-of-Living Allowance SCC Secretary's Command Center ANCDF Anniston Chemical Disposal Facility WAE When Actually Employed LLP Limited Liability Partnership SAP 1) Special Access Program USSS United States Secret Service TADS 1) Threat Assessment Database System STOLS System To Locate Survivors ACGIH American Council of Government Industrial Hygienists 2) Northern Regional Coordination Center EMPO Emergency Medical Preparedness Office ERPS Effluents Radiation Protection Section ESF 03 Public Works and Engineering CIND Compact Integrated Narcotics Detector NGDC National Geophysical Data Center S&L 1) Savings and Loan TransCAER Transportation Community Awareness Emergency Response ERMS Emergency Resource Management System IWP Integrated Warning Program CHCO Chief Human Capital Officer OTS Office of Thrift Supervision DMSS Defense Medical Surveillance System Click to reveal CCN Canonical Correlation Analysis TIP Threat Image Protection FSVS FEMA Secure Video System NSD 1) Named Storm Day FHAR Flood Hazard Analyses Report IASIR International Association of Security and Investigative Regulators 2) Computer Emergency Readiness Team RAM-D Risk Assessment Methodology for Dams SW Soil and Water FPL Florida Power & Light 2) Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research PDS Personnel Decontamination Station 3) State Field Office(r) SHO State Health Officer 2) National Operations Center MPA Maritime Patrol Aircraft CADW Civil Air Defense Warning OCD Office of Community Development FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map 2) Emergency Communications Staff PEMA Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency But sometimes our abbreviations can get a little confusing! Help us improve CareerBuilder by providing feedback about this job: Report this job Job ID: 2401872314. C-TPAT Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism AFRAT Air Force Radiation Assessment Team BASIS Biological Aerosol Sentry and Information System AEL 1) Adverse Effect Level UCGIS University Consortium for Geographic Information Science RRT 1) Radiological Response Team PPG Program Planning Guidance 402 ( 5170a) General Federal Assistance NATCA National Air Traffic Controllers Association 2) Life Support Center BERD Blocked Erosion Rate Database NTC-MW National Teleregistration Center at Mount Weather REMS Remote Environmental Monitoring System MB Megabyte CPX Command Post Exercise FSSA Flight School Security Awareness CPTED Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design CAPA Coalition of Airline Pilot Association FED - TRT Federal Tactical Response Team IG 1) Inspector General (see also OIG) AIS 1) Automated Information System(s) UHF Ultra High Frequency WSEL Water-Surface Elevation 2) Categorical Exclusion HDP Hurricane Destruction Potential CPA Coalition Provisional Authority NCSL National Council of State Legislators LIHEAP Low Income Household Energy Assistance Program 2) Environmental Specialist OIC 1) Office of Interoperability & Compatibility ETC 1) et cetera 2) Geological Survey NJTTF National Joint Terrorism Task Force LSG Large Scale Game(s) EAS Emergency Alert System (replaced EBS in 1997) IIS [Microsoft] Internet Information Server TRIPS Travel Reporting and Information Processing System PIR 1) Post Implementation Review NECD Newport Chemical Depot ANSER Analytic Services, Inc. NISAC National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center INRP Initial National Response Plan ECSAP Electronic Crimes Special Agent Program 3) National Security Cutter SPLASH Special Program to List the Amplitude of Surge from Hurricanes 2) Post Meridiem DPRE Displaced Persons, Refugees and Evacuees FBIIC Financial and Banking Information Infrastructure Committee 2) Congressional Affairs Representative MT 1) Megaton 325 ( 5165c) Public Notice, Comment, and Consultation Requirements 2) Intense Hurricane FAIH Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households NPMOC Naval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography Center ETJ Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (Limits) ICS 1) Incident Command System TTT Train-the-Trainer PRP 1) Personnel Reliability Program EXORD Execution Order ERN Emergency Response Network AFSOF Air Force Special Operations Forces REP 1) Radiological Emergency Preparedness 3) Foreign Air Carrier JPMRC Joint Patient Movement Requirements Center RPA 1) Regional Planning Agent DWG Drawing (file) . ZONE AO Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; with flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on the sloping terrain); average depths are determined. ISTS Institute for Security Technology Studies lbf pound force 3) Disaster Response Unit COTP Captain of the Port CEMA Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association 2) Dislocated Civilians Riverside Healthcare is revolutionizing care using leading-edge technology to diagnose and treat patients. MSA 1) Mutual Support Agreement DMHT Disaster Mental Health Team 2) Incendiary Explosive Device R.I.C.E. HARN High Accuracy Reference Network 2) Disaster Communications Equipment SSL Secure Socket Layer(s) CLS Central Locator System Your abbreviation search returned 10 meanings Link/Page Citation Category Filters All definitions (10) Information Technology (1) Military & Government (3) Science & Medicine (0) Organizations, Schools, etc. 2) Sea-Surface Temperature 2) Federal Regional Center BWIC Biological Warning and Incident Characterization NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service DT&E Development Test and Evaluation GDNP Gross Domestic National Product NICCP National Interdiction Command & Control Plan mR milliroentgen/millirem FCIC Federal Crop Insurance Corporation 2) Alarm Resolution Protocols FOC 1) FEMA Operations Center EDA Economic Development Administration 3) Intrusion Detection System IHOG Interagency Helicopter Operation Guide FmHA Farmers Home Administration TA 1) Table of Allowances CMAA Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement (affiliated with BTS/CBP) h (also hr) hour SECDEF Secretary, Department of Defense AFGP Assistance for Firefighters Grant Program CGS Council of Graduate Schools RE Real Estate DFA Direct Federal Assistance FSH Forest Service Handbook ADPE Automated Data Processing Equipment ASD 1) Allowable Stress Design 2) Domestic Emergency Preparedness KBRM Knowledge-Based Risk Management QFR Questions for the Record (affiliated with OLA) 3) Survivable Systems Analysis ADD Automated Deployment Database IOC 1) Initial Operational Capability REHAB is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary 415 ( 5182) Legal Services SLAR Side-Looking Airborne Radar 2) Test and Evaluation Master Plan DARPA Defense Advanced Research Project(s) Agency 2SR. 2) Control Point SSB Single Side Band MeV Megaelectronvolt ASPE American Society of Professional Estimators NARA National Archives and Records Administration LEH Light Enforcement Helicopter 2) Operation Safe Commerce DEPSECDEF Deputy Secretary of Defense NASFM National Association of State Fire Marshals OMNCS Office of the Manager, National Communications System OEP 1) Occupant Emergency Plan SVOS Secure Voice System NIF 1) National Ignition Facility LHR Limited Home Repair 2) National Petroleum Council FEEA Federal Employee Education & Assistance ADVON Advanced Echelon FMHCSS Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards ISABP International South Atlantic Buoy Program AD 1) Administratively Determined IPELR Independent Power/Motorized Elevating Leg Rest. SLUDGEM Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation, Gastric Distress, Emesis and Miosis 2) Personnel Data Card NGO Non-Governmental Organization URA Uniform Relocation Act 3) Environmental Officer PAs Protective Actions ATTF Anti-Terrorism Task Force RISS or RISSNET Regional Information Sharing System CTBT Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 3) Operational Planning System CME Chief Medical Examiner OCGFC Office of Cerro Grande Fire Claims DAST Disaster Assessment Survey Team AF 1) Acre Feet AMB Air & Marine Branch 2) Wideband ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross CRZ Contamination Reduction Zone CMG Consequence Management Group 3) Organizational Elements 2) Printer/Plotter Module NORTHCOM (United States) Northern Command FAR 1) Federal Acquisition Regulation DSC Digital Selective Calling PPM 1) Parts Per Million DOLP Disaster Operations Leadership Program FMLA Family and Medical Leave Act The Licensed Vocational Nurse is responsible for providing appropriate nursing care, as directed by an RN on the nursing unit. DMI Disaster Management Interoperability MEOW Maximum Envelope of Water (or Winds) PRA 1) Paperwork Reduction Act 408 ( 5174) Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households USTA United States Telecom Association QRT Quick Response Team OCC Office of the Comptroller of the Currency MHS Message Handling System 2) Wireless Priority Service/System CRCPD Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors DSR Damage Survey Report DRAT District Response Advisory Team NTIS National Technical Information Service 2) Rural Electrification Administration AAAE American Association of Airport Executives ITA 1) Information Technology Architecture LWR Light-Water Reactor 2) Operations Support OPCOM Operational Command IHP Individuals and Households Program 4) County Road PACC Patient Airlift Control Center RLS Registered Land Surveyor CAV Community Assistance Visit(s) R/h Roentgens per hour GAR Governor's Authorized Representative THA Temporary Housing Assistance NAC 1) National Advisory Committee CTAC Chemical Transportation Advisory Committee NAD83 North American Datum of 1983 2) Alien Criminal Apprehension Program NESEC Northeast States Emergency Consortium R&R Response & Recovery INER Interagency National Executive Reserve DISC Disaster Information Systems Clearinghouse 2) Communications Officer COO Chief Operating Officer HHD Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas QD Quantity/Distance OSD 1) Office of the Secretary of Defense JFO Joint Field Office 2) Chief Procurement Officer DFC Disaster Finance Center PT&E Preparedness, Training, and Exercises [Directorate] (obsolete) IMO International Maritime Organization DPAS Defense Priorities and Allocations System CGISS Center for Geophysical Investigation of the Shallow Subsurface SAFETY ACT Support Anti-Terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies Act of 2002 Performance & security by Cloudflare. 2) Information Technology Coordinator OTRS Official Time Reporting System RPC Regional Preparedness Committee (obsolete) RECON 1) Reconnaissance USADACS United States Army Defense Artillery Center and School 2) Employment and Training Administration RERP Radiological Emergency Response Plan ALSM Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (aka LIDAR) 2) Critical Emergency File CUREE Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering OB Official Business APIS 1) Administrative and Program Information System RFI 1) Radio Frequency Interference TSDR Toxic Substance and Disease Registry CMHS Center for Mental Health Services DODD Department of Defense Directive SFHA Special Flood Hazard Area EER Eligible Existing Resources 2) Optical Character Reader TUTT Tropical Upper Tropospheric Trough SBU Sensitive But Unclassified TITLE IV Major Disaster Assistance Programs FOV Field Of View Is involved in community/civic health matters/projects as appropriate. COLT Cellular-on-Light-Truck SLA State and Local Assistance NACI National Agency Check with Inquiries NW Neighborhood Watch CSHIB Chemical Safety and Hazards Investigation Board ASUFAC Airport and Seaport User Fee Advisory Committee, INS 2) Personal Property PSAT Protective Security Assistance Teams MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act NGS National Geodetic Survey PL 1) Preparedness Level ICMOP Integrated CONUS Medical Operations Plan SMS Short Message Service GIWW Gulf Intracoastal Waterway Performance & security by Cloudflare. FRMAC Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center ERV Emergency Response Vehicle CBET Computer Based Education and Training BOCA Building Officials and Code Administrators LOG Logistics RHA 1) Reduced Hazard Ammunition OAFME Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner NPFC National Pollution Funds Center NDS 1) National Defense Stockpile AEGL Acute Exposure Guidelines Level FAQ(S) Frequently Asked Question(s) HRCQ Highway Route Controlled Quantity DOMS Director of Military Support IOF 1) Initial Operating Facility CCRA Canada Customs and Revenue Agency 2) Interim Message Change 2) Scientific and Technical Analysis and Response Team CNSC Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 403 ( 5170b) Essential Assistance ACE 1) American Council on Education ADMSYS Admissions System NCLIS National Commission on Libraries and Information Science 314 ( 5157) Penalties IMA Individual Mobilization Augmentee This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. MWS Marine Weather Statement BTS 1) Budget Tracking System SNM Special Nuclear Material PUBLIC ASSISTANCE NIEOC National Interagency Emergency Operations Center HCTS Hazardous Cargo Transportation Security LEPC Local Emergency Planning Committee CNO 1) Chief of Naval Operations REA 1) Radioactive Emergency Area RISC Regional Interagency Steering Committee SCR Software (or System) Change Request 2) Maryland Emergency Management Agency TTPP Transportation Threat Protection Program HSTF Homeland Security Task Force UNCLAS Unclassified FedCIRC Federal Computer Incident Response Center 2) Reactor Coolant System APG Aberdeen Proving Ground NFIF National Flood Insurance Fund MDF Medical, Dental, and Funeral BGCA Blue Grass Chemical Activity Medical, Technology, Accounting. 2) Random-Access Memory MAS Mapping Activity Statement SCI Sensitive Compartmented Information ANCA Anniston Chemical Activity HNAT Human Needs Assessment Team AT Antiterrorism The action you just performed triggered the security solution. USACDA US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency ECG 1) Emergency Coordination Group SECDHS Secretary, Department of Homeland Security LAO Lead Agency Official LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 2) Preliminary Damage Assessment USN United States Navy WWW World Wide Web EAM Emergency Action Message EIMA Emergency Information and Media Affairs IRI Industrial Research Institute SWFL Stillwater Flood Level CISD Critical Incident Stress Debriefing ATST Atlantic Standard Time (GMT - 4) EMR 1) Electromagnetic Radiation 4) Public Administration Review CENTPAC Central Pacific ADIS Arrival and Departure Information System ASFPM Association of State Floodplain Managers RPOC Regional Point of Contact EIO Emergency Information Officer ICCOH Interagency Coordinating Committee On Hurricanes WRDA Water Resources Development Act 2) Light Enforcement Aircraft health monument care city rapid patients hospital will medical httpsmonumenthealthwp list said time patient value clinic medicine award caregivers width weight aria data covid providers community stylefont styletext services family spearfish doctors system also align full nursing daisy help south hospitals program dakota nameinput heart nurse . AOR Area of Responsibility NCR National Capital Region 2) National Agency Check 3) Post Office ENDEX End of Exercise The focus is on flooding situations with minimal wave action. USBP United States. BLEVE Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion AFTAC Air Force Technical Applications Center As a Certified Nursing Assistant, you are delegated the . PI Project Inspector CRS 1) Catholic Relief Services METOC Meteorological and Oceanographic CBW Chemical and Biological Warfare RCAC Red Cross Assistance Center TFCC Task Force Control Center HE High Explosive PWR 1) Power CEQ Council on Environmental Quality DMI-Services Disaster Management Interoperability Services C/E Communications/Electronics 2) Request For Information Pkg Package OTSP Office of Transportation Security Policy DOD or DoD Department of Defense 2) Electronic Privacy Information Center ("No fly" list; 2) Interim Final Rule LOEP Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness MDS Mennonite Disaster Service 2) Terrorist Screening Center (affiliated with DHS/BTS, DOS, FBI, CIA, DOJ) MDT Mountain Daylight Time (GMT - 6) IBDS Integrated Biological Detection System IIPLR Insurance Institute for Property Loss Reduction 2) Streamlined Inspection Program NSF 1) National Science Foundation 2) Computerized Fleet Analysis UMCA Umatilla Chemical Activity 2) Not (or Non) Applicable IMC 1) Instrument Meteorological Conditions CD 1) Civil Defense 2) Aero-medical Evacuation System . VCU VOLAG Coordination Unit 2) Forensic Services Division 6) Internet Service Provider NAS National Academy of Sciences DEMOB Demobilization or Demobilize TPS Temporary Protected Status ASTS Aeromedical Staging Squadron OPUS Olympic Properties of the United States 2) Privacy Office 2) Postal Rate Commission There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. DRASH Deployable Rapid-Assembly Shelter CUSEC Central United States Earthquake Consortium SAAR Secretary's After Action Report 404 ( 5170c) Hazard Mitigation AVIP Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program NTM National Technical Means FRCA Findings Requiring Corrective Action CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (aka "Superfund") C2 Command and Control 2) Mortgage Bankers Association MSFCMA Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act MPH Miles Per Hour HME Health, Medical, and Environmental CCTV Closed-Circuit Television HHMD Hand-Held Metal Detector JRIES Joint Regional Information Exchange System (see HSIN) EIT Electronic and Information Technology 2) Remedial Action Project NOBLE National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives FMCS Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe FDMS Federal Docketing Management System AV 1) Air Vehicle Cloudflare Ray ID: 78bb64b4aa809fbc RFC River Forecast Center ATF (Bureau of) Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms MEAG Major Emergency Action Guide IPC 1) Interagency Planning Committee IAFC International Association of Fire Chiefs The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a United Nations agency tasked with helping countries eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth and human development.The UNDP emphasizes developing local capacity towards long-term self-sufficiency and prosperity.. Headquartered in New York City, it is the largest UN development aid agency, with offices in 177 countries. 2) Triangular Irregular Network APB Acquisition Program Baseline FTAA Free Trade Area of the Americas NSSDA National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy CWN Call When Needed 2) Subscriber Line Carrier DSCA Defense Support to Civil Authority MCEER Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research RAWG Rapid Assessment Work Group JTPA Job Training Partnership Act 2) European Olympic Committee(s) FCM Federal Communications Manager NOFA Notice of Funds Availability MDRO Mission Disaster Relief Officer POI 1) Plan of Instruction VSP Visa Security Program FNF Fixed Nuclear Facility(ies) CPRM Checkpoint Resource Management SENTINEL Securing the Nation through Infrastructure Enhancements Locally CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention IFTP Internet Forensic Training Program TOC 1) Table of Contents SMC Specialty/Specialized Management Center cfm cubic feet per minute PCE Programmatic Categorical Exclusion NTC 1) National Targeting Center SO 1) Safety Officer I-STAFF DHS Headquarters Operational Integration Staff ELR Employee Labor Relations EFT Electronic Funds Transfer SIDA Security Identification Display Area 4) Project Monitor IIMG Interagency Incident Management Group MBA 1) Master of Business Administration ACBIRC Advanced Chemical/Biological Integrated Response Course EDI Electronic Data Interchange CTD 1) Concept and Technology Development DNS 1) Department of Nuclear Safety SIF Standard Interchange Format 2) Studies, Training, Analysis, and Research Zeni et al., 2010: Knee OA (120 . JWICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System RETREP Regional Emergency Transportation Representative 2) Built-In Test LOA Letter of Agreement IDEX Image Data Exploitation (System) With over 44 Long Term Acute Care and Rehabilitation hospitals and 16 Outpatient Clinics currently in operation across the country, we are proud to offer services including comprehensive wound care, aquatic therapy, ventilator weaning, amputation treatment, pain management and much more. 3) International Standards Organization GA/FBO General Aviation/Fixed-Base Operations Sort. NLECC National Law Enforcement Coordination Center CP 1) Command Post 2) Evacuation Time Estimate CDMA Code Division Multiple Access FIMO Federal Incident Management Official AFRRI Armed Force Radiobiology Research Institute 2) National Teleregistration Center DII Defense Information Infrastructure ]4me[s3B -$OF@E6`Sq '2Fn9 OREMS Oak Ridge Evacuation Modeling System IMS 1) Incident Management System NOK Next-of-Kin IRS Internal Revenue Service FIPS 1) Federal Information Processing Standards (Code) OJT On-the-Job Training NEMB-CAP National Emergency Management Baseline -Capability Assessment Program 2) Navigation Processor MWEOC Mt Weather Emergency Operations Center LHW Last Hour Worked CDRG-PAC Catastrophic Disaster Response Group - Primary Agency Committee MTSA Maritime Transportation Security Act 2) State agency HSAC Homeland Security Advisory Council APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation ARC. HVAC Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning COOP Continuity of Operations 4) Regional Duty Officer CRAMP Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program CABIN Chemical and Biological Information Network BROKEN ARROW Nuclear Accident (codeword) 2) Infrastructure Sector Advisory Committee 2) Integrated Product Teams OJCS Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff CLOMA Conditional Letter of Map Amendment IPR 1) In-Process (or In-Progress) Review 419 ( 5186) Emergency Public Transportation TBP To be published USA 1) United States of America 2) Center for Strategic International Studies Click to reveal JPMT Joint Patient Movement Team ADR American Disaster Reserve ART Awards Review Team RAPID Recovery Assistance Programs Information and Delivery 2) Contingency Plan G-M Geiger-Mueller (radiation detector) This course provides basic information about retrofitting existing flood-prone residential buildings. VIPS Volunteers In Police Service Rate it: What does REHAB mean . CINCAMC Commander-in-Chief, Air Mobility Command FTA Federal Transit Administration A/N Alert/Notification SD Security Directive QBE Query By Example USGS-DLG United States Geological Survey Digital Line Graph (Format) MACA Military Assistance to Civil Authorities GRASS Geographic Resources Analysis and Support System 3) Approved Course of Instruction SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act FISH Forensic Information System for Handwriting USTR United States Trade Representative Office 2) Notice of Interest ALTRETCO Alternate Regional Emergency Transportation Coordinator OLE Object Linking and Embedding 4) Community Assistance Contact PLSS [United States]Public Land Survey System DMV Department of Motor Vehicles AOIC Acting Official in Charge STA Special Temporary Authority JAWAS Joint Automated Weather Observing System 2) National Location Code JOC Joint Operations Center 2) Effective Dose SIOC Strategic Information (or Intelligence) and Operations Center CRT Complex Rehab Technology. PEPAC Primary Entry Point Advisory Committee CERES California Environmental Resources Evaluation System SRA 1) Safe Refuge Area RARE Roadless Area Review and Evaluation 3) Program Performance Monitoring TITLE II Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Assistance ERF Emergency Response Facility 2) State Coordinator RN Registered Nurse 2) Duplication of Benefits FSL Federal, State, Local SPDC Small Business Development Center 3) Equation Of State DGPS Differential Global Positioning System IFLOWS Integrated Flood Observing and Warning System TED Total Effective Dose RTAP Real-Time Analytical Platform CB 1) Chemical Biological PAPR Powered Air Purifying Respirator 2) Chief of Party PBDS Prototype Biological Detection System ONRA Office of National Risk Assessment OFSEP Office of Food Security and Emergency Preparedness PMP Performance Monitoring Plan CWA 1) Chemical Warfare Agent IFALPA International Federation of Airline Pilots Association 2) Other Federal Agency(ies) We are an independent, nonprofit organization focused on advancing the quality of services you use to meet your needs for the best possible outcomes. RAM 1) Radiological/Radioactive Material MOM 1) Maximum of Maximums QBO Quasi-Biennial Oscillation 2) Exercise Control Team NFR Notice of Finding and Recommendation NFA National Fire Academy FNARS FEMA National Radio System HOTMAC High Order Turbulence Model for Atmospheric Circulation EWI Entry Without Inspection FRPCC Federal Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee TWVP (see TWOV) ETIC Estimated Time in Commission RPPO Radiological Pilot Program Office (DHS program, affiliated with BTS) Organization GA/FBO General Aviation/Fixed-Base Operations Sort Several key Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion AFTAC Force. Center Suggest job: Report this job: Report this job: Report this job job:... Providing feedback about this job job ID: 2401872314 CareerBuilder by providing feedback about this job ID... Disaster Mental Health Team 2 ) Incendiary Explosive Device R.I.C.E Team 2 ) Incendiary Explosive Device R.I.C.E M.... Photo/John M. 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