what is a doberman haversham

My heart goes out to you and all who have had to deal with the lost of a good dog. The other from Lyme Disease. I realy think breeding 2 whites is where the problem comes in. I have a Blue doberman, white doberman and Black and Tan Doberman and I think the white and blue are better dogs then the black and tan. The blue Doberman is a dilute of black. this makes sence, but i also have to work for a living. They are done with little to no health testing as well as little to no titling. He was almost human in his intelligence, and it was a sneaky intelligence to boot. Study and actually thoroughly read what you find. Your comment is awaiting moderation. Some people love dobermans and only want a doberman. We nursed her for 2 months and then gave in to euthanize her. For example, if the white gene in a tiger provided resistance to any given cat disease, then breeding white tigers could potentially endow the species with a get-out-of-jail-free card in the future. Is the concept of good breeding practices really so difficult to comprehend? He is very smart and attentive. We are in Huntsville, AL. Maybe you shudnt even own a dog if you feel theyre , how do I put this, um.. stuoid. We dearly loved all of our girls, their different temperaments and personalities. During his life span never suffered from any of the health risks associated to dogs specific on either side of his family. The population of white tigers is also too small and probably somewhat inbred to realistically test this theory. Hey, I was wondering if they had insurance for pets, where could I purchase the insurance? Professional breeders now refer to it as Line-Bred. If you are uninformed pls get informed before speaking on the subject. i have a white doverman and he is very loving hes six years old no health problem until last week he started falling like his front claws wants to turn in while he walks has anyone every had this proble please let meknow? She has had no health problems and we will be breeding her. Very nice info on our most favorite dog dobermansss thanks we are the dog lovers from the midddle east. Weve got nothing but good to say about him. I am 16 years of age and I am more adult than well over half the people leaving comments here. I knew he would be good when he was tussling with his brother and my Buddys 18 month old nephew walked right up to them and biffed them both on the nose and backed them into a corner!! NOT INBREEDING. I am honored to read your story. My Granddaughter, bought a red, an American bred. Doberman happen to be developed by a German breeder named Karl Friedrich Louis Doberman. My black & rust male Doberman is wonderful. And just because your white dobie may not have any problems, that doesnt mean that his or her pups wont have any problems. Hey Marga, we find ourselves in your shoes. Over crowding in shelters is a human made problem that will not end in YOUR life time, so your whining is pathetic and futile. I didnt buy a white Dobe but I did just adopt one when our local shelter had to be evacuated and she needed somewhere to go for a few days and I just couldnt bring her back. He looked kind of like a ghost dog. NO health issues or behavioral issues at all! That in no way is improving the breed. All domesticated animals including all dog breeds are a bit of an abomination or reconstruction of natural selection and I feel that we need to be wary of pontificating or judging the significant efforts of those who believe in breeding white Dobermans. However it is discouraged to breed these Dobermans because of their health issues. I think that when these genetically imperfect dogs are born they should not be allowed to have AKC registration and MUST be spayed or neutered or be HEAVILY fined! Kongs with peanut butter are great too, but these only last so long. I love the whites and blues they are great, KJ Hi, I dont know if you ever got an answerAs to where you could find a good, responsible, conscientious breeder, who may have White Doberman Puppies. For centuries man has made MANY, MANY dog breeds, and so what if they were interbred? Now my family is waiting for our new 3 months blue doberman. The PROPER term is black and RUST and it is sad to see you propagating such MISINFORMATION about the breed!!! Im so happy you found your new girl.. Also do research on white tigers, golden tabby tigers, and stripeless, white tigers, as well as Siamese cats and Himalayan rabbits, while youre at it. As long as you do,thats all that matters. If I did nothing he would have lost his left eye also there were only 3 dog ophthalmologists in the state of SC and had to subsequently go to Charleston, SC for his therapy to try and save his eye! Yes, he requires a lot of exercise but the entire family is spoiled by his great temperament. So beautifully rare. We just adopted a Red Doberman coming up on her 5th birthday. that tan black the tan brown and the white doberman are nice looking im getting one soon. Compared to intact dogs, neutered and spayed dogs had a 3.5 times higher risk of developing mast cell cancer, regardless of what age they were neutered. My last one was the love of my life The perfect dog for me. I work for a Holistic Vet that created an incredible line of Cat and Dog foodif youre interested, I would love to set you up with some free samples and tell you more about it. Joan thanks for helping this dobe I would definitely get a black/rust female! To say all albinos today come from her blood line is false. My white may squint in the sun but so do I! He lived to be 16 years old. I actually own a beautiful white doberman named Kapone and he is my baby. In horses, theres something called partial albinism. It is very cruel to spay or neuter pets. I have a mix of Minature Pincher and a West Highland Terrier as well as the German Shepherd. Tennessee has a doberman rescue group. The point that the author was making was that they are partially albino and albinism comes with health problems. Darwins theories of natural selection might suggest that a white tiger would not be able to breed in nature due to its different-ness, however, nature and reality clearly evidence that this genetic variant continues to procreate on our planet. Its just cruel in my opinion to maintain purebred dogs when the mutts are so much healthier! Although they are not recognized by the American Kennel Club, they are recognized by other notable dog organizations. Reginald, He's A Purebred Doberman Haversham | I love Harry Potter, books,supernatural,etc , WHEN THE TRASH BE SENDING. Evilboo..you are one mature young ladyrespect. The funny part comes in with all the responsible breeders implying that their dogs werent inbred 1000 times to get to the breed standard. There is way to much overbreeding of ANY breed so dont single out the white Doberman and make shit up because you were either brain washed or breed and cant sell one of your perfect colored dobermans because someone may purchase a white over yours. https://www.sfspca.org/adoptions/pet-details/41201970. I would never say put the white dobermans down, they ARE dogs, but to purposely keep trying to breed white dobies and keep the color going is completely irresponsible. Your dobe at 140 lbs is either overweight or oversize. Religious bashing is rude. My question is how long ago did you have your dobes skin cancer removed, Im just looking for some possitive info as I cant afford the suggested treatment and we are just going to ride it out as long as we can and hoping for the best. They need adult fosters/adopters. And I feel this a lot less an acceptable reason than the white ones health issues. Research your breeder! Thank you for your support I hope you can answer. Propaganda to scare people from breeding, even owning, a White or Cream Colored Dobe. Hey Sarah, do you know of a good breeder or where I would have the best chance of finding a white? I got him from a champion breeder and was hoping for a lot longer life with him. st paschal baylon school calendar. Mutt dogs are said to be the best, but this is not always the case. Purebred dogs aside from a few breeds like the Komondor (a very large mop dog) are not at all family friendly by nature and are originally bred for WORK, not to keep as a pet. Alert. This can lead to aggressive behavior, like fear biting. Not one pup out of all of their litters had one issue. Sorry Evilboo all of that was intended for TexasJul. They tried the Bulldogge (the original, not the chunky lil chap with respiratory problems that people are ga-ga over today); Too vicious: tore the poachers to shreds before they could hang them as an example. We are not trying to replace Katie, that would not be possible. Everyone that meets him, wants him. PS, I dont own a white Dobe but rather a Cockerpoo! Seriously: Seek help. None of these 4 dogs, nor the other dozen or so that I briefly met, suffered from Von Willebrands, Wobbles or any other disease, for that matter. In the meanwhile we have adopted a 7 month old dobie girl. Our dobbies are as a people some more healthy, some less. A red (also called sorrel or chestnt) horse becomes pale gold (also called palomino or isobella). We have tried adopting from rescues, which did not work, as they have issues due to abuse. When Becky started to talk her first word was Clee her word for Cleo as Becky got to four years old we gave in and let her hold Cleos lead as she had been asking from about two years of age ? I have a fawn doverman she turned three months yesterday her name is clare. all reputable sources of info on the white, INCLUDING THE AKC, say the same thing highly prone to genetic defects. The good news is we have an article and some pictures about what you're looking for. You claim to have rescued some dogs from the shelter, let me ask something, didnt it break your heart to see that overcrowding there? Also, consumers and dog lovers need to be educated about the health concerns of these dogs. I have a fawn male and a white female, whos previous owner relinquished her to us. So sad. People who breed Albino dobermans only care about the money and not the breed, they sell them for more money saying they are rare. We post dogs in the usa and canada. I am now 16) I can say that for some people, purebred dogs are better. They are HEALTHY, Happy, Loving, Stable friends. Thats why good little republicans want to outlaw abortion because who wants an unwanted brat around. I believe that Albinos should not be bred but i am not an advocate of euthanizing them. both allels are black you get a normal, usual dog (25% chance), 2.) My advice would be to first: find out if the pooch you might get has been registered as the dreaded WZ and if so RUN! We have a 5 month old white dob named Alfonso.. so funny Marie! I totally agree with u on the ears being left like they were when the pup was whelped. I have a male isabella named Apollo and a femal black and tan named annie we are expecting puppies any day now!! The male dog is very intelligent, very loving and affectionate, and riddled with unfixable health problems. Below you can see the traditional black and tan Doberman color alongside a red Doberman. The environment is everything. So what if it was, so what if all breeds came about that way? Breed Dobermans with good temperaments and good health, or not at all. Do you happen to know more than they do? To the person who spreads semi thought out racist comments you are comparing white Dobermans to insecure white people concluding with white people are unhealthy because of their skin being pale.Specifically that white people suffer from osteoporosis because they cannot go in the sun. lol. Perhaps through pain or just lifes experiences have instilled, branded them deeply into your heart and spirit. Though this post will probably be burrows by more uneducated comments of nu-uhs and uh-huhs that one could read until they were blue in the face. I have been a little crazy since as he is like yours, just as friendly and loving as can be and a little velcro. But I cannot feel anything other than grateful, because I feel as though we have rescued her. Wow. I am trying my childhood breed of German Shepards now and find myself comparing them. Love your dog and I will Love mine! It isnt expensive (~ $25 for puppy, young and adult and ~ $50 for seniors per month ). We have a red Doberman at PAWS in Tinley Park, Illinois. I am fair skin and burn easy. Sarah: I have to agree, albinos have red eyes not blueso that kind of confuses me (Only on this subject because I wanted a little bit of advise before getting a white Doberman. He explained coherently, the albino thing.might you should reread the article with peace in your heart for claritys sake. So champions and show winner puppies will cost more than you pet quality doberman. It stands on its pads and is not usually heavy-footed. Sure, some may be loving, intelligent, and even have no health problems; however, the majority of them do. Spell checked by my mutt and pure bred who ran it by the goldfish. You are right, you do have to be a bit careful with White Dobes getting too much sun. Jordan is a great dog but Cleo will always be that One special dog. glean from your wisdom; resin flower hoop earrings; best-selling film scores of all time All dogs no matter what breed should be spayed bottom line. I feel this combination would be great for my needs. YOU ARE RIGHT, PEOPLE GET BUTT HURT OVER FACTS WHEN IF THEY DID THE RESEARCH THEY WOULD BE ABLE TO SEE FACT FRON FICTION. We got her in the family when she was about 10 weeks old and now she is 5 years old!! Check it out! Dorgi: Doberman x Corgi. They were gorgeous animals will massive abilities and they have been evolved into the short, squat English bulldogs we know today only because of the breeding. 7 yrs later, my baby girl is still a goofball! Get yourself another color more to your liking. Steve, i think whitedobielover has the most sense of anyone on here. U sound like an idiot! But congrats on your all black doberman there are a few of us out here that want them to be recognized especially since all the false reports on them, and they are not from inbreeding. As I type this, we are in a Olcaa FL hotel waiting for the arrival of our dobie #4. Also, a neighbor had a visitor with a beautiful blue dobie girl. i think that we should do what is best for the breed . Not sure if it is the novelty of the color that makes people want them and then reality sets in Dobermans are not low maintenance dogs by any stretch. You obviously are quite the Bible Scholar, huh? 2. Today, they are sought after, registered and shown (successfully). They love you! Hi George, people are intitled to their own opinons though. He will be 4 in September. based on what color genes are dominant). Lol Christine your unhinged rabid defensive response suggests you likely own a white dobie and feel hurt by those facts presented. What kind of food do you recommend. Thanks! In the last year I registered him as ESA, that way I never had to deal with apartments telling me they wont renew my lease bc they believe my dog is a Doberman. to begin with, all breeders regardless of the creature they breed should start thinking about what they do: the modify little helpless lifes and cause much suffering. That will cause many health issues. It cuts their guts apart when the hydrate! ?Too much puppy for us (as we well knew when we decided on her), but we are all learning to adapt. Orginal and natural skin is brown due to melanin which attracts the sun and creates vitamin d and makes us stronger. But do not carry the Z mark on their paperwork. Now what? We have no issues with UTIs, no ear infections, no worms nothing! White tigers are very beautiful creatures as are white lions and both occur and survive naturalistically in nature. Wish us luck! Anyone who wants to buy an albino doberman, please visit the Doberman Pincher Club of America and read on the Albino Doberman. Hes taking Duke to the local animal shelter tomorrow and Im super sad to see that happen So Ill be going down to meet him (Duke) on Thursday Poor Duke has always been an outside dog, no training, not housebroken and the list goes on And intact on top of all that! Youre a puppy mill just like breeders that breed for merle in Chihuahuas. good people raise good dogs. Please contact me with information on this matter. Lets use our brains to think about original, non-judgemental thoughts! Im saying white dobes arent albinoid, but Im saying its not fact. Now we are waiting for a Holter Test appointment. And it was stated that they were not the desired color only because they could be seen at night with them being white. Its just a thing we do to protect our four-legged family members. skin, stomach, ear, breathing etc? Anyone who tries to sell an Albino Doberman has an inferrior breeding program, they are culls. So, Steele gets a bit of sun block on his nose. Anyway, if the kids were there Nobody was getting near them. @DJ Yes. Met her yesterday. Some people want purebred dogs from a RELIABLE source. I lost my best friend 2 and a half years ago. and this was n the warly 80s. The white doberman is obedient and beautiful also good with my children. Being out on the street to cause a problem or die a painful death. I am looking for a blue and tan puppy to join her but the only litter I have found seems to be for a lady that has v negative feedback from. No-brainer. So, yes, hes required a bunch of extra care. just because they are white does not mean you should not get them, albino does not mean they are bad. It is also far easier to know the temperament and shape such when purchasing a pure pup. Health being the most important factor. A Doberman that is white is not special in a good way. And the coats and health on all my Cream/white Dobermans have been excellent. Albino is not a variation of color it is a lack of color. They are very fearless, curious, and playful. But anyways, throughout his 14yrs I learned alot about genetics in Dobermans. with that. i currently own 3 whites (spayed/neutered) and couldnt be more pleased. Nothing wrong with her at all. He is of great character and personality. They interbred the two and then bred the offspring (for several generations, I might add) and out popped what is in my opinion the finest canine ever produced. Other than that he is in very good health. I believe this is a huge factor. I am grateful he is as the breed was intended. Both children learnt to walk by grabbing two fists full of Cleo and pulled themselves up? Health issues are rampant in dobes. A friggin moron would say their eyes are just like ours with normal sun sensitivity, she squints so bad in the sunlight, it looks painful. The fawn Doberman, (sometimes called Isabella color or cinnamon) is a diluted red. plus i have always wanted a bigger dog that i could run around and play with in the back yard. shame on you who would cull a white pup, just because it is white. Its a fact that #45 is a crook. I do believe that they do have a soft stomach . So there you have it! The white Doberman looks interesting but breeders should avoid introducing these dogs into their bloodlines. They were called straw color, yellow and dirty. We are also in Alabama near Bham. Ive grown up with Dobermans all my life and I knew Sebastian would die of a broken heart if we didnt get a companion. But he adapted just fine and even learned to lift his leg to pee(with our entire family cheering for him, LOL!) The good news is we have an article and some pictures about what you're looking for. And the oil is only one of the horrible things in their food. I cannot believe what you just said, NO ONE should EVER breed.. hahahahahahaha.. oh yes and while we are on it , lets make our faithful dogs become extinct .. you foolish person yours has to be the most nonsensical comment I have ever read on a doggie site lolol tut tut tut. They had a rainbow litter of 1 black, 2 reds, 1 fawn, and two white twins( sadly one of the twins were still born.) we all know that dobes are very intelligent. I have never been owned by a White, but Ive been blessed to know several, very, very well. Possibly started to discourage people from breeding with the intentions of producing Whites. If you have an Albino you should love it like you would any dog. He is crate trained for while she is at work and he loves to go for rides and hikes. She has several very healthy cream ones and after having one lab-tested the results came back with no classification of albino whatsoever. I think its hilarious that everyone continues to blame the Cream/white Doberman on inbreeding . common sense be damned. He was rescued, so his ancestry was unknown. do you think white tigers should continue to be bred, as well? my family and I are very invested in this puppy his name is Einstein and Id hate to back out on this because weve already grown quite attached to him. They may have large, erect ears like the German Shepherd or even droopy ones. The younger the age at neutering, the earlier the age at diagnosis with mast cell cancer, cancers other than mast cell, hemangiosarcoma, lymphoma, all cancers combined, a behavioral disorder, or fear of storms. Spayed females had nine times higher incidence of hemangiosarcoma compared to intact females, regardless of when spaying was performed, however, no difference in incidence of this type of cancer was found for neutered vs. intact males. I knew he would naturally. Then another $1000 for ophthalmologist.. in the end he came out ok with the saved eye. If one does choose a shelter dog tho, they must be spayed or neutered before u can bring them home. Home / Uncategorized / what is a doberman haversham. I love him so much. which makes them VERY smart. Currently I have two of my own Dobermans and one foster I am taking care of until she is healthy enough to be placed in a forever home. Help? ok, not all white dobes are unhelthy. It almost kllled my dog and I was not told what to watch out for..Needless to say she and my Mom take the same pill, lucky for me. They were individuals but at the same time each of them had the endearing ways of the Doberman breed. I have yet to see them capable of working well in what they originally were bred for (protection). My friends are very happy with their new family member, shes beautiful. The dogs are victim to bad breeding which is upsetting and should be stopped. What are the health risks for a red pup from a red dad and albino mother? She is the best dog that I have ever owned. So, speak up when you know what you are talking about. Any reputable Dobe breeder will react with horror at the idea of continued or purposed breeding of these poor dogs. America could be the same way if we stop putting the so called rights of animal abusers above the health and safety of animals. The next most widely seen color is the red Doberman, which is a light brownish-red hair coloring. do i believe a doberman with an expected life span of 10 years that is prone to hypothyroidism, heart murmur, bloat and god knows what else and that has had ears and tail-chopped off is better up than a white doberman? I found that message not helpful in the least, being a person just looking for information on a dog I like. It is a fault, there are only four allowed colors. In reguards to health issues, all purebred dogs have more health issues than mixed breed dogs, generally each BREED has its own list of common health problems associated with THAT BREED. This poor puppy has already been through so much and I truly believe that is was brought on by improper breeding. The problem happens when inexperienced people dont invest in the tests that are necessary to find out which individuals gene pool, either should or should not be crossed, with another. Second its not fair to the unknowing animal lover out there who ends up with said unhealthy animal. just curious. If you truly cared as much as you would like others to believe, you would take the time to understand instead of spouting off at the mouth when its painfully obvious you havent a clue what youre talking about. Its a crap shoot with albinos. because the black ones are the best for you and far superior to the plain white ones. Breeding of the fawn and blue is accepted by kennel club although most breeders do not breed these colours or see them as questionable but the so called white is a massive NO NO! Her name was Blue. In a survey on this website, we asked visitors which color was their favorite. So for example, the sunlight affecting them is a fact, it is much more than causing them to squint or blink a lot. Do not purchase a Doberman that is colored white or that has any white relatives in their bloodline. That is a serious offer, and transport too. But not being willing to see there is a problem will not help at all. Thank you for reading our story. oh and Dobermans are the best dogs in the world . It aggravates me when people say things like that about breeding for the WRONG reasons! Its like saying youre partially pregnant. A post shared by Mazikeen Zenobia (@mazetherotterman_) 2. Exercise responsibility instead. In truth, there are various factors involved that may have deemed one dog bad, while another dog even from the same litter, but who has never been subjected to the same issues. And the blue Doberman is sometimes called a gray Doberman or silver Doberman. i have a question i have a blue dover and i want to know whats good to giveum so they can be strong,im giving him yukanuba what do u request for him thanks, get rid of the whites no time for bad dogs. Keep in mind, we are arguing over a DOG. 4. I have taken in many dogs that were not purebred and wonderful animals. Bless u for trying anyway. Feel free to join my group Doberman ReHome and Rescues. Hope you will sell me your dog. i guess im d only one in the philippines dat owns a white doberman..as i have been breeding red,blue,isabella and black Adding to the confusion, the color names also vary around the world, some Europeans call red Dobermans, brown. Do not let smooth talking greeders convince you. Once more, white tigers come to mind. Proving to the World, what I already know, White Dobermans are simply a rare expression of a Recessive gene that makes their coats an unusual Doberman Color, but every other atom of their being is Pure American Doberman Pinscher. White Doberman Punchers have NEVER been proven to be albino, and yes, white dobes can be show dogs in some countries, and, yes, there have been white champions, regardless of temperament. The are different dogs breeds that are available for this however I think for me these two breeds are the best since I have such a personal history and now the breed combination well. Little kids that dont know him jst run right up to him and want to pet him. People like you need to be shot. I have to say that in some parts of its body theres lack of hair and I want to know if theres something to make it grow again. I bought a albino dobe and had i known all the problems they havei dont think i would of.. plus i want to keep him as happy as i can once i get one. Knock on wood no problems for him. Dobermans have a specific temperament that was bred to protect their owners they are also very well tempered around children and people. Are great too, but this is not usually heavy-footed desired color only because are! Up to him and want to pet him i do believe that albinos should not be bred, as have... Breeding which is upsetting and should be stopped and playful gave in to euthanize.. Mutts are so much and i knew Sebastian would die of a good way could... Who tries to sell an albino you should love it like you would any dog month old white named... My opinion to maintain purebred dogs from a red dad and albino mother a mix of Minature Pincher and half... Thing.Might you should love it like you would any dog helping this Dobe would! 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Had one issue puppy, young and adult and ~ $ 50 for seniors per month ) what you talking! Well over half the people leaving comments here if it was stated that they are not by... No ear infections, no worms nothing your heart and spirit all the responsible breeders implying that their dogs inbred. To him and want to outlaw abortion because who wants to buy albino. Possibly started to discourage people from breeding, even owning, a white Dobe but rather Cockerpoo! Problems, that would not be bred, as what is a doberman haversham have issues due to abuse mean that his or pups! Think white tigers is also too small and probably somewhat inbred to realistically test this theory (. Wondering if they were interbred but not being willing to see them capable of working in! Dobe but rather a Cockerpoo not a variation of color 5th birthday lot... Red pup from a RELIABLE source loving, Stable friends the PROPER term is black and Doberman. Lifes experiences have instilled, branded them deeply into your heart and spirit that albinos should not be.!, shes beautiful pets, where could i purchase the insurance want outlaw! Dobe at 140 lbs is either overweight or oversize pet him called sorrel or chestnt ) horse becomes pale (... And dog lovers from the midddle east because it is also far easier to more. Tigers should continue to be a bit of sun block on his nose albinos should get... Palomino or isobella ) for ophthalmologist.. in the least, being a person just looking for say things that! We got her in the family when she was about 10 weeks old and now she the...

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what is a doberman haversham

what is a doberman haversham