meditation on the four directions

We now look downward upon Turtle Island, our source of life. Many times I just go through the motions of prayer, meditation or calling in the directions. It is said that the smoke attaches itself to those things within us that are negative, and will carry these things away, if we allow it. We now raise our eyes to Father Sky, and to Kisulk, our Creator. . For understanding of life cycles I work with the four directions of the medicine wheel: East, South, West, and North. At noon, people from the community join at the office for an hour of complimentary . . But we are also reminded that the Great Spirit is no further from us then the tilting upwards of our heads and the raising of our eyes. When you follow a counter-clockwise course around the Wheel of the Four Directions, you have a better understanding of how the process works. However, traditional symbolism also says the south is a time of fertility - the process of birth. Mental states cannot appear in the conscious mind until they have emerged from the unconscious and becomes a realisation in the conscious mind. The four directions, as taught through Native American knowledge, are deeply embedded with symbolism and guidance for transformation: East represents Spring and symbolizes victory, success, and power. You can stay in your seat, you can stand, you can turn your head or your whole body, but orient yourself toward the one of the directions, the element that speaks to you and your life right now, and when I ring the bowl gong, we will enter into two minutes of silent meditation. All Rights Reserved. We acknowledge the White Bear, who lives in the far North, and honour him for his ability to thrive in harsh conditions, and ask for his strength when we face trials in our lives. In his book, Le Mystere des Cathedrales, the pseudonymised author, Fulcanelli tells us the Virgin Mother is the primitive substance used by the creator to further his designs. We must sacrifice old ways of living to bring in new attitudes, habits and traits. Science reveals through the. Red beads were used to call forth the red spirit for strong love relations, to heal from illness, and to pray for longevity. In the old days, when we were a strong and happy people, all our power came to us from the sacred hoop of the nation, and so long as the hoop was unbroken, the people flourished. Initiates stand here because they symbolically represent the future of the lodge. We ask the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the North to temper us with strength to withstand the biting blizzards, yet make us thankful for the beauty which follows and lies deep over the warm Earth in its wake. The Wonderful, Magical, Be Here Now Guru, Mahavatar Babaji: The Eternal, Holy Master of Kriya Yoga, 7 Things That May Block Your Spirit Guides, How to Use the Chinese Magic Square The Lo Shu, Ramakrishna and Sarada Devi: Spiritual Ecstasy, Love and Vedanta, The Minor Arcana: How Numbers and Elements Give Tarot Meaning, Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot: An Esoteric Primer, The Fourth Key to Ascension: Spiritual Practice, Ascension Key One: The Origin of the Great Work, Connecting with Our Personal Mother Goddess. It made sense for priests to use elements of the natural environment to teach initiates about man's connection with universal energy. Earlier, we established waters (consciousness) existed before anything else. It makes sense for us to enter in the north-east section also. To do that we have to consciously make sacrifices. Air and breath give us life. The ancients considered the sacral chakra to be the seat of emotions. In other words, this is the future state of mind they must strive to acquire. For more information contact ~ Joseph Cardinal RatzingerThe Spirit of the Liturgy. In my opinion, this place of darkness and the north also relates to something that is hidden, or unseen. We ask that we always remain aware that we are all interconnected in the web of life, for there are too many who are blind to this fact. If you live in a wooded area in the Northern hemisphere, theres a good chance youve seen it growing near an evergreen tree, especially a pine or fir. This is a continuation of Susan's last 8 meditations which can be heard by clicking below, but it c It is obvious why symbols are interpreted this way. The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You can relax and surrender to the teachings of the forest and the great tree in this guided meditation. Not only that, but whilst we sleep, the subconscious mind is hard at work. For some tribes it is four directions which are honored, for others it includes also the Earth and Sky, and for at least one tribe there are seven sacred directions, including the one within. The element of the west is water, and here on our altar we have some of the water collected at our Ingathering services each September. Here on our altar, we have the symbolic elements for each direction, and we will travel through the meanings associated with each direction before entering into a time of meditation. When I sat facing the West, I felt the energy of the Setting Sun, of the evening, of the going-within time. Noble Eight-fold Path Right view (samma-ditthi) Right intention (samma-sankappa) Right . Share this post. Furthermore, following the directions in a clockwise direction is said to reveal the cycle of life from childhood to adulthood and the times of the day, albeit, the overarching meaning of growing old is the acquisition of wisdom. And when you know this, the cycles of existence portrayed by the four directions makes much more sense. The Dance of the Four Directions is a slow moving meditation dance, honoring the medicine and spiritual energies of the four directions - east, south, west and north. Find. For example, if the east is the dawn of new beginnings, (ie ideas, projects and new phases of life), and the south is where we grow these ideas and projects, following this line of enquiry suggests that everything is destined to fall in the west and disappear into the northern darkness where it stays eternal. August 31, 2022 00:37; Updated; Dr Joe's Four Hour Pineal Gland Meditation has not been recorded for purchase and is only practiced at Advanced Retreats. We have an innate fear of the unknown because we lack faith in ourselves. The Hebrew here says "yama, tsfona, temana, mizracha.". Teach me to walk the way of beauty, Face the west with one arm up and the other palm open to receive, To The Winds of the West The Israelites enter the Temple from the east, but when they pray (meditate) they are facing west. Spirit Keeper of the West, Brown Bear, Be with me. West represents Autumn and the final harvest as the end of a cycle. Let me remember everyday that the moment will come when my sun will go down. Dawn, birth, beginning of life, a new beginning of each day. 23a Kapetan Misina, Stari Grad, Belgrade, Serbia, 11158. It is a direction that calls us to self-reflection and self-understanding. East - Ha'a'aah. And the internet is full of website publishing these semi-fragments of information. One of the fundamental aspects of the earth element is the potential for transformation. Just as the Rains often come from the West, Water is associated with this direction. . We know water is consciousness. And there are only four elements in life: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. These animals are a reminder to be patient with the seasons. Whatever the reason is, the intention must carry an unyielding presence of love and focus for sacred space to open. The element of the North is earth, represented here by some dirt from our very own garden. The Navajo Four Cardinal Directions. Our unique blend of yoga, meditation, personal transformation, and alternative healing content is designed for those seeking to not just enhance their physical, spiritual, and intellectual capabilities, but to fuse them in the knowledge that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. This path draws information you need to know from your unconscious and enables you to change your habitual thinking and behaviours. East: Air, breath and inspiration. Knowing the cardinal directions and where you stand in relation to them is an essential aspect of connecting to the natural and spirit worlds. You can relax and surrender to the teachings of the forest and the great tree in this guided meditation. Earlier, we established waters (consciousness) existed before anything else. We provide suggestions for future directions, with accompanying online materials to encourage such research . 24 Farnsworth Street | Boston, MA 02210 Great Spirit of Light, come to me out of the East (red) with the power of the rising sun. Water can be tranquil or it can be fierce, and when left unattended becomes stagnant and polluted. There is no doubt that the direction of the north represents darkness, emptiness, or nothingness and eternity. It does not store any personal data. Reiki . He said that whenever he meditates, he imagines himself sitting on top of that mountain. Shamanic tribes relate the west with new awareness.. The animals of the west include the beaver for teamwork to prepare for winter and the snake to remind us of how to shed our old skin for transformation. The north is therefore where the initial idea is generated and the rest of the cycle is how we nurture the desire to fruition. In the west, we are drawn into the experience of our emotions. He combines universal core shamanism with traditional European spirit lore to create spiritual practices that can heal and enrich one's own life and the lives of others. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Plus you can download videos to your device to watch offline later. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. The direction of the East is associated with new beginnings. You can apply these conditions to consciousness. . It is in this tradition that a blessing is offered in support of this ceremony. This is a continuation of Susan&apos;s last 8 med. By the end, I hope to have revealed. other gentle forms of movement. Help me to listen to the quiet, and find serenity and comfort in the silences as they become longer. It is the dwelling place of God from where he descends in all his glory: Out of the north he comes in golden splendor; God comes in awesome majesty. May the four winds carry blessings far and wide. With that in mind, it is clear to see that the west symbolically represents the point when thoughts and emotions enter the conscious mind from the subconscious mind. This ceremony will acknowledge the seven sacred directions. Air, and the direction of east, is also associated with the heart chakra which fosters self-confidence, compassion and creative powers. Thank God for the chance to start anew. In order to become self-illuminated, you need to see the light of the truth and send it back into the darkness of the north to dissolve ignorance. North: Earth, balance and wisdom. Science reveals through the Universal Laws of Nature, that everything is in a constant state of flux (the law of impermanence) and everything vibrates at its own frequency (the law of vibration). The following meditation techniques use visualization as a tool for inner transformation. Both the exoteric viewpoint and my esoteric theory relate to cycles of life, hence the common relationship between the four cardinal points, the seasons and time of day. By the end, I hope to have revealed how the esoteric meaning of the sequence reveals more about your psychology. I also pray for peace among the four races of humankind. Life calls to open sacred spaceduring pivotal events, such as birth ormarriage, and for healing purposes. Gaia guides people on their personal transformational paths with the worlds largest library of exclusive and original conscious media. The East gave peace and light, the South gave warmth, The West gave rain and the North, with its cold and mighty wind, gave strength and endurance. Other examples of four symbolism in relation to physical nature include the four emotional states of the body; physical, emotional, sensation and spiritual, the four states of matter; gas, liquid, solid and plasma, and the four forces of nature that bind matter together; strong, weak, gravity and magnetic electricity. Furthermore, the explanations provided by established authorities have discrepancies that do not piece together. When you let go of old values, beliefs and attitudes, energy transforms and you adopt new values, beliefs and attitudes. Yet, some commentators writing about the symbolism of the four directions say that east represents illumination. Oddly enough, the highest or deepest places you can go in meditation, or, in other words, some of the furthest reaches that you can go to in meditation, the greatest levels of joy or peace in the conditioned world, where there is a tremendous sense of peace, well-being, and equanimity, that's where applying the Four Noble Truths is the most . Furthermore, the west is associated with the element of water which in esoteric symbolism is used to represent the unconscious and emotions. And that's the best place to start. In our center is the home of our Heart may we always return to this place, so that we may know the meaning of our journey. Its also worth noting at this point that the layout of a Masonic lodge is designed on the biblical Temple of Solomon. Numerous meditation techniques have been clinically shown to result in a wide variety of physical and psychological benefits. Past experiences are stored within the neural programming. The creation story in the Bible asserts the same thing. Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. Come to me in the dreamtime You create good luck or bad luck (evil) as a result. As you release their energies back to their four directions, take a few deep breaths, acknowledge yourself back in the space you are in, and witness any changes in your being. There is Healing in the washing clean that comes with . We are life in action, loving, moving and growing. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. I've read that the four directions are an important consideration when doing practice. The flowering tree was the living centre of the hoop and the circle of the four quarters nourished it. We acknowledge cedar, the western medicine, and earth, the western element. We must always listen to our hearts, the tiny Elder within us who can never lie, and never mislead us. Unitarian Universalist Association We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Spencer also asserted that infinite intelligence is always evolving. But this is the dual nature of the gods and thus energy. The sky is round and I have heard the earth is round like a ball and so are the stars. Description Description. This is why it is linked with the element of water - because all life comes from water. As the day begins with the rising sun, I ask, Spirit keeper of the East, Brother Eagle, Be with me. Insight into the nature of reality. Chakras impact your emotional and psychological condition. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Further, each corresponds to a quadrant in the . Given the southerly direction sits at the bottom of the compass and is associated with the element of fire, interpretations gravitate to negative points of view as well as positive meanings. They are told the symbolic reason for this is because this is the part of the temple with the least light - light being code for knowledge thus the north-east symbolically representing ignorance. East is the direction in which the sun rises. Directions The Cardinal Directions are another characteristic of the Divine Universe that connects us all with nature and spirit. Through each of these symbolic mechanisms, you will see how the cycle of creation is revealed in the four directions. Guide my step and give me courage to walk the circle of my life with honesty and dignity. They are Uriel (north), Michael (south), Raphael (east), and Gabriel (west). In the third verse, God says, let there be light (fire). Sati means "to dwell in mindfulness," that is, the practitioner remains aware of everything taking place in his body, feelings, mind, and objects of mind the four establishments of mindfulness, or awareness. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. U open the standard "Bible" 2 any page & U have deep food 4 thought! Teach me how to transform my fears into love The esoteric symbolism within the four directions encompasses the relationship and the similarities between man and the Universe. However, as you will be aware, it is what we do with knowledge that is the important factor. What we think we become. Fire is a vital energy that brings consciousness to life. The Medicine Wheel, or Wheel of Life, is represented by the four directions. It's stated that "all sentient beings are sustained by nutriment" (sabbe satt hrahitik) in the Sagti Sutta (DN 33). Consider creating an altar representing each direction. When you need to be adapt to new situations, you need to be flexible and change the course of your thinking to fit your new environment and experience. It is the time of awakening, the beginning point. Whatever you create in your life is acquired by your attitudes, beliefs and application. Blessing to the Four Directions 1. Abraham is also said to have travelled south into the barren wilderness of Negev (Genesis 20:1). South is the direction of the woman, and we honour them as the gateways through which our spirits come to earth, and we ask that women everywhere be protected for they are sacred. But essentially, the rebirth occurs in the east, but dies in the west. Our research unveils the secrets to understanding and taking control of the the subconscious mind, channeling energy to self-heal and effectively using universal laws to fulfil your potential. West is also the direction of our Ancestors, and we proudly acknowledge those who have gone before us, and ask for their guidance so we can live our lives as we should. . The circle is the earth, the moon and the planets. An alphabet book that celebrates life on earth. It's especially easy these days, given what is going on, to find ourselves out of balance . Just remember, the west relates to the subconscious mind which produces life (from its waters). We see this concept expressed through the symbolism of the four elements for example. Evening comes before morning. Mondays @ 9am pst: Dharma Talk and Meditation - Part talk, part meditation; this class will set the tone and outline the ideas we will cover throughout the week. South represents Summer and is a time of great abundance. In addition, we will honour three more directions: the sky and our Creator above us, the Earth our mother beneath our feet, and ourselves, the direction within. Monday Meditation: Calling in the Four Directions and Elemental Forces Aired Mon, 10/17/22 9:00-9:45 AM PDT. Then create the determination to sit still for the period of the meditation. It is also the place of embodiment, of connecting with our physical self, with the concrete, tangible world around us. In terms of self-development, Death is often a positive symbol. The exiles of Egypt travelled west to the promised land of Canaan -, But water is also a symbolic mechanism for the unconscious. Comfort me and caress me when I am tired and cold. I ask that you bless our elders and children, families, and friends, and the brothers and sisters who are in prison. </p><p>The Reiki Lifestyle Podcast: The podcast where we talk about all things Reiki! a quiet place to sit. Only 2 left in stock - order soon. It is about Fire the Sun burning bright, casting a lot of light. Red symbolizes the south, black the west and white the north. Let me soften into your wisdom Heal my body, heal my mind and bring light, joy and awareness to my spirit. I ask that this world be filled with Peace, Love, and Beauty. The northerly direction is also associated with the element of Earth which shares similar symbolic motifs. Call upon the four directions in this invocation from the Qero Shamans of Peru to ask for a blessing from the spirits in your endeavors. We offer thanks for the visions and dreams that help us remember who we are, and why we are here, and ask that all people be given this wonderful gift. In China, the four date back to at least the 2nd century BC. In Shamanic traditions, the west is associated with Spirit Keeper of Death. Symbolically, this cardinal point implies setting an intention prior to meditation, saying a prayer or making a wish before you go to sleep. Try these 5 emotional first aid techniques, Lunar Sadhana: Why Women Need to Align with the Moon. In many traditions, the north is associated with darkness which in turn has been translated by commentators to relate with fear and ignorance. Jeremiah 1:14 says that evil comes from the north. Set a reminder to locate true north intermittently throughout the day; for example, at sunrise, midday and sunset, use a compass to find north. Remind of how to live with impeccability We begin in the East, toward the rising sun. Everything the Power of the World does, is done in a circle. Learn how to use the power of the four directions, 'above', 'below', and their associated elements to open your chakras, align your Interesting enough, the north-east corner is also regarded as a symbol of sacrifice and beginning. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. It is your responsibility to identify which energies are creating problems and disharmony in your life so you can transform these poor energies into energies that bring a richness of life. You can use this chakra during meditation to burn away past experiences and attitudes you do not want. During my research, I discovered the mainstream view follows the directions in a clockwise sequence. The four quarters are colored white, yellow, red and black, representing the races of man, the seasons, and the stages of life from childhood to old age. Wind, or air, incidentally relates to states of mind. The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in his justice and great righteousness, he does not oppress. Every decision we make is inspired by our vision to empower a community of individuals to come together to build a more conscious world. Meanwhile, I send out blessings to each of you and to this dear planet, solar system, and universe. The four directions help to explain how we do that. Remember, the north represents darkness, emptiness, or nothingness. When you have finished your ceremony, sacred space must be closed. When the smoke vanishes, so too does the negativity that came from within. Its also pertinent to note where the hierarchy of masons sit; the west is the seat of the Senior Warden and the Grand Master. In order to do this we must first shed old values to make way for new views of the world. So the other morning I was sitting facing the mountain as I began to meditate and I found myself wanting to try what a friend said he does. It is about action. We acknowledge the Thunderbird, who sits in the South and puts his thunder in the storms. I was presentwhen he laid the foundations of the earth, I was with him and I regulated all things.. Audio recording of my daily prayer to the four directions. The Reiki Lifestyle Podcast is for all members of the Reiki community, lineages, and levels of training!,, Using Rebirth to Treat Psychological Disorders. The. The aromas produced by these plants help us place ourselves in a different state of mind thus bringing us into a deeper part of ourselves. Words are offered to the East so they may fly and soar with Spirit. It might be an interesting experience. I feel very grateful to have felt at a deeper energetic level the power of the four directions. So I tried that. Although nothing is certain, the earth element, and its correspondence with the root chakra, gives us grounding and stability. Therefore, we see the confusion between the east and west. Car trips can be good that way. He had created neither the earth, nor the rivers, nor strengthened the world on its poles. It is a transformative power and produces light. King Solomon, known for his wisdom, is associated with the heart chakra. From the book Aisha's Moonlit Walk: Stories and Celebrations for the Pagan Year, by Anika Stafford (Boston: Skinner House, 2005). . This element fuels our passion, but will also fuel anger in people that cannot control their emotions. Look straight ahead and think of the souththe source of heatas representing the caldron of life, the chaos, commotion and uncertainty. They do, however, bear the attributes of universal energies - and more precisely the evolution of conscious thought. Qedem means "forward" which shows us that people in ancient times would face the rising sun as the default direction, but it also means "ancient.". The gods live in the heavens, and the pantheon of gods in ancient traditions reflect human nature. Another concept I will reveal that shows the clockwise sequence does not work. Clear your space of clutter and mess and open up windows and curtains and allow for clean air to enter. But more about that later. Four Protective Meditations (caturarakkha bhavana) in Theravada Buddhism By Dr. Ari Ubeysekara Introduction The path leading to the cessation of suffering, Nibbana, as discovered by Lord Gautama Buddha is known as the Noble Eight-fold Path (ariya atthangika magga) or the Middle path (majjhima patipada). Product- Meditation Directions for Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Book Meditations; Product- The Vocals/Music in my meditation are too loud or soft. Each direction embodies the qualities of various life cycles. Often, smudging involves a four-direction ceremony. The West is where the thunder beings live and storms are born and gather strength. We are what we think. It is fitting that the easterly direction is associated with the element of air - a symbol that is also said to relate to new beginnings. The opposite, esoteric, sequence explains how you create your experience of life. The life of man is a circle from childhood to childhood and so it is in everything where power moves. This state of stillness is when you are most receptive to your higher conscious Self. This is how most people live their lives without even realising they are creating their own experiences. We are also told this pattern expresses the four seasons, the time of day, and the evolution of life. So I, quite naturally, found myself imagining myself sitting on top of that sacred mountain facing first, the rising sun, then the south, then the west, and then the north. During the research for this article, I noticed that other commentators on this subject sometimes provide the same meanings for west and east - most notably new beginnings. Show me it is right for me to make decisions with my heart, even if at times, my heart becomes hurt. When you act on illuminated thoughts (represented by the south), you reinforce it by acting upon it and sending the energy back into the subconscious mind which is represented by the north. Thank the serpent, jaguar, hummingbird, and eagle for their wisdom. In the third verse, God says, let there be light (fire). But bear is also often associated with Healing, and especially the healing that comes by using medicinal Herbs. These, in some traditions, align with the four cardinal directions, the four elements and the four seasons. Us all with nature and spirit worlds how you use this website Belgrade, Serbia,.! The meditation waters ( consciousness ) existed before anything else must be closed bear, be with.... Have discrepancies that do not want u open the standard & quot ; Bible & quot ;,! Was presentwhen he laid the foundations of the earth element, and the evolution of conscious.! 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meditation on the four directions

meditation on the four directions