morrowind julan walkthrough

That's all he'll tell you for now. Talk to her some more and she'll give you your first orders. 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This cave is tiny, and the other three Telvanni Agents aren't far from the entrance - you're going to have to fight all three at the same time. Hello, currently doing a playthrough of Morrowind with the fantastic Julan mod. Really! Follow his directions to Caius' home (just north of the Corner Club), enter his shag-pad, and talk to him about your errand. - Takes healing, magicka, cure poison and cure paralysis potions automatically, and can keep himself healed on his own, with potions or spells, unless he runs out of everything. This is a problem with incorrect installation of animation replacers. Icons and ground meshes are included. By Kateri - ( Whether or not you refuse to answer his initial question, as long as you don't shut the conversation down entirely, you can ask him what he's getting at. Chargen. 1. As you progress through the Morrowind main quest with Julan, he gets dragged into your mission, and you get dragged into his - a tangle of secrets, lies, love, loss and betrayal. Once you have started a game, don't do anything to alter the Julan mod's position in the load order, or you might get NPC doubling that could break the mod. - Moan about the weather, the location, that he's bored, etc The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind If you did not notice there is a bookshelf behind him. 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Thank you to all the talented scripters whose work I have learned from, adapted, borrowed and generally pulled apart and put back together, including CDCooley, Cortex, DinkumThinkum, melian, Midgetalien, Qarl, Thelys and TheOtherFelix. - Optional romance, for male or female characters. This is bad. He can be freed, even though he doesn't wear any slave bracers. I appreciate you're trying to leave an air of mystery for me to figure it out myself but at this point I just want to be told what to do! ( If you look at the eye level shelf all the way on the right you can see a key. Please don't upload the mod to public mod sites without asking me first. Spoilers: I'm currently doing the "Mashti's Matter of family" quest where you go looking for her mother/sister. If you need to add or remove a mod, change the dates of other mods to keep Julan in the same position in the load list, i.e. This is your first chance at killing something human, but don't sweat it - the two egg poachers, Sevilo Othan and Daynila Valas, aren't very good fighters (and don't even have proper weapons or armor). Did she do a similarly-named companion mod? And you end up with two companions.\n\nYou can use Wrye Mash to clean the save and delete one of them, or you could use the console to delete one ingame. - Some quotation from Aeschylus' Oresteia, the Robert Fagles translation (Penguin 1979). "En":"Dis")+"abled");\nif(on){h[v]=c[i];l.setAttribute("data-cycle",i)}else{"none"}insertText(d,c[i]);l.appendChild(d)\n}l.onclick=function(){reviseAll(b,rname);var t=this.childNodes,u=this.getAttribute("data-cycle")-0,m=t.length,n,lall,i;\nif((end||out)&&u>=m-(end?2:1)){if(end){n=this.removeChild(t[u+1]||t[u]);n.className=rl+"End";"inline";\nthis.parentNode.replaceChild(n,this)}else{this.parentNode.removeChild(this);return}}else{toggleText(t[u]);\nu=(u+1)%m;if(v){h[v]=c[u]}toggleText(t[u]);this.setAttribute("data-cycle",u)}lall=document.getElementsByClassName(rl+"_"+rname);\nfor(i=0;i//Map data from [[]]//\n\nInside the mine, find the room with the ogrim, and dive into the water, and through the hole.\n\nIf you need restore fatigue potions, there are some in the crates behind where the ogrim was. It never fails to make my day! Run . and our If you use this, be aware that while they are in the middle of moving, they go out of follow mode for a few seconds. ">>\n\nAfter you've received the Moon and Star from Azura, and tracked Julan down again, he will ask you about your being Nerevarine. Tell her you're into women, and she'll get slightly alarmingly excited, and the next in-game day, you'll get the date request.\n\n<>For the date, all you have to do is obey Shani's every command, and allow yourself to be seduced.\n\n<>After this, you can have various conversations over in-game time with Shani about your definitely-not-a-relationship. More spoilery details [[here.|Romance]]<>\n\n<><>\n\n<>\n\nWhen can I let him know I'm <>\n\nCan we <>Yes! Check the FAQ. If two mods alter the same NPC, only the later mod's changes will take effect. In case it wasn't clear, what I proposed for a possible fix was to remove the last parameter from. If he doesn't, ask him to wait, then to follow again. When you've done such, go speak with Drarayne and collect your reward (if she gives you less than what Eydis told you you'd get, you're not alone). Sanit is guarded by dreamers and leveled ash creatures. Please be clear which version is being uploaded. Julan should follow you automatically if you use Recall, Divine Intervention, Almsivi Intervention, a propylon index, or travel to Mournhold. You'll be prompted to test out your combat techniques with a free weapon - take it, for now. There is a breathing space, then go back underwater through the next tunnel ahead of you. ok, thank you all for your help. The following locations sell this armor: Saetring the Nord: Smith, Molag Mar Galen Berer: Armorer, Tel Branora Redoran Smith, Vivec Tuveso Beleth: Smith, Ald'ruhn The following individuals use the armor: Anise Romoran Arven Nalyn Baradras Brerama Selas Brethas Deras Elphiron Garila Vedas Goras Andrelo Minglos . If you do have any troubles, make use of the Redguard's Adrenaline Rush power, and knock those rats up-something-vicious. Eventually you'll find the Festering Witch on the side of the road - ask her about the Cloud Cleaver and she'll tell you some story You could go through the drama, but it's best to just poke her with your sword and run away, letting the nude Nord take care of the rest (if you decide to fight her, beware - she has some magic spells and a nasty enchanted spear). To turn it on, open the console and type: set ks_knockout to 1 - Many new conversations, occurring over time, with Julan, Shani, and both of them together. - Get horrendously drunk. Nothing essential, just that when we find shani my pc in meant to be deactivated for 2 seconds, and while it is Julan is supposed to run in shani's direction. Julan can:\n\n- Follow you without getting stuck or left behind, including when you teleport. Qarl's The Underground)\nMods that affect the Ahemmusa Ashlanders may conflict, as I've added new scripts to them which may be overwritten by, eg, face replacers. Recommended mods: I use hundreds of mods, but to help with any companion You can use a scroll of domination from the shrine on the Hunger, or just endure its attacks and have it chase you (make your companions wait, or they'll kill it, obviously!). - Animations by RX31, packaged by Qarl. Open morrowind.ini, located in the root installation folder of Morrowind, in whatever text editor you use. I wanted to create a companion who actually "knew" what was going on, had their own opinions and agenda concerning it, and would be interesting company on the journey. Apparently someone in town is having a problem with Cave Rats. Just don't say I didn't warn you. Eventually, you'll get a call.\n\n<>Go to Dagon Fel, find them upstairs in the End of the World Inn, and reap what you have sown. The room is dark, but you should have no problem knocking out the two pests. Do some asking around, and. Things might get worse before they get better, but you should be able to end this conversation with a boyfriend. He will agree to join you (makes more sense in game than in that description) to train for a mission he is on. [[Liztail's Animation Kit|]] has a fix you should run to correct this error - follow the instructions at the link. Ask me about the time I spent an hour reaching a mine to deliver sujamma for the fighter's guild, only to find Julan had drunk it all when we arrived. Afterwards I talked to Rakeem and he told me a story about how he saw her go into a tomb and kill . This includes summoned creatures. He's proud, and not happy about being saved by an outlander. the 23rd mod to load, if that's what he was before. Use the Morrowind Launcher and select Data Files. Whether you choose to play along with his attempt at smooth moves, or start correcting his vocabulary and annoy him into kissing you is up to you!\n\n<>Around one in-game day later, he will ask you about the kiss, and interrogate you further about your intentions. ]]\nCan't I romance [[both of them? Plus "secret" bonus poly mode. Or prepare for the inevitable arguments about what to name the baby Click on the fire to light it, then return to Mashti's yurt and talk to Julan again, who will again tell you to leave for the moment.\n\nNow might be a good time to go and talk to [[Shani]] in Ahemmusa camp, if you haven't, since she'll only talk to you when Julan isn't present.\n\nSleep in the storage yurt until midnight, and Julan will want to talk to you. Drarayne Thela's house is on the east side of Balmora - run on over, and talk to her. Enter the Mages Guild, go downstairs and talk to Masalinie Merian - she can teleport you to Caldera. All clothing is female-only except the pants, which are for males or females. - Can cast useful spells on himself or the player, such as healing, curing, protective, etc. She'll tell you there's one Cave Rat trapped in her room (oh, for the sake of the pillows!). Requires Rin's Taken aback, Julan ends the conversation, but with a hint that you should ask [[Shani]] about how they got together.\n\n<>Go ahead and ask [[Shani]] about "changed her mind" and listen to her story. - An optional female companion, after certain quest events. If you are unsure about something, do not hesitate to ask the staff or flag the page you are having trouble with (please don't forget to tell us about the problem or reason). Thanks also to Neko, abot, Edwardsmd, Flycatcher, melian and everyone else on the forums who helped with scripting issues. The quest should complete as you come into the main room of the outer shrine. You can use these items in another mod, so long as you give credit where it's due, and don't charge money for it. Caius gives you some cash (200 gold), and tells you to get yourself stacked, as well as get a cover-job at one of the various Guilds in Balmora. - Don't give him Constant Effect items, they might start working backwards due to a game engine bug. - Bethesda for Morrowind! Suicide. It started because the Morrowind Main Quest can be a lonely business. If you can give clearer instructions (as if talking to an 8 year old), I'd really appreciate it. Consumption of alcohol and drunkenness. He can also gain skillpoints from reading many books.\n\nAfter you've trained him 15 points, he should start a conversation with you about it. You will find Julan's ring in the pool. If you want back that ring, and 100gp, go up the stairs in Arrille's Tradehouse and talk to the guy at the top of the stairs. ), try telling him to wait, then ask him to follow again, or tell him to reset his AI in the "-- combat" topic. As you progress through the Morrowind main quest with Julan, he gets dragged into your mission, and you get dragged into his - a tangle of secrets, lies, love, loss and betrayal. She'll ask if you want to join the Fighters Guild - say yes! Julan should sober up if you sleep (not just wait) while he's following.\n\nIf this doesn't work, you can open the console, click him and type: ''set alcohol to -1''\n\nHowever, if sleeping doesn't work, this is a sign that his scrips aren't functioning correctly, and you should check you don't have a case of [[doubling|Doubling]]. Hey, you know where that is! Julan is a young Ashlander who you can rescue outside of Ghostgate. It depends on the item, but be careful of giving them items with, eg, area effect spells. Like all Argonians, he is immune to poison, has a resistance to disease, and can breathe underwater; otherwise he knows no spells. It helps to build your character like the one listed below. Talk to your neighbor in the chamber and call him his name. Once she knows he's safe, she decides it's time to have some fun.\n\n<>If you're male, she'll straight-up demand you take her on a date (and if you refuse, you'll need to work to regain her friendship!) If I've forgotten anyone, please remind me and I'll fix it! Along with those from Qarl's Underground, her "living, breathing" companions were my inspiration to try and create something like this. Issues with companions and the game engine in general If you are interested, [[tell me|ContactMe]], as I have no idea what the demand for that sort of thing is, and it's a lot of work.\n\nNo, you can't get Shani pregnant. "inline":"none")}var rl="reviseLink";if(c.length<2){throwError(a,b+" macro needs 2 parameters");\nreturn}rname=c.shift().replace(" ","_");l=Wikifier.createInternalLink(a,null);l.className="internalLink "+rl+" "+rl+"_"+rname+" "+b;\nvar v="";var end=false;var out=false;if(c.length>1&&c[0][0]=="$"){v=c[0].slice(1);c.shift()}switch(c[c.length-1]){case"end":end=true;\nc.pop();break;case"out":out=true;c.pop();break}var h=state.history[0].variables;for(var i=0;i>Start by [[romancing Julan|romance Julan?]]. hair pack. You can plunder all of thoes barels and boxes for all they are worth (the better stuff is up the stairs). - Westly for the robes, shirt and bag used as Mashti, Assamma-Idan and Sen's gifts. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This sort of issue is generally a symptom of [[doubling|Doubling]]. You arrive at the south end of Balmora, on the west side of the city-dividing river. REQUIRED: Unsurprisingly, "Julan, Ashlander Companion by Kateri". ), [[Julan left! They can also drink various potions, such as levitate, and fortify strength - which includes things like sujamma! The instructions about who to talk to Gunta, in Lanabi 's yurt to Ahmabi in the ashkhan 's.! Should complete as you want to join the Fighters Guild - say yes above him, so it. Snarky comments and random observations a retextured face from better Heads, fortify... Thoes barels and boxes for all they are worth ( the better stuff is the. With mods that change any of the scripting on the summoned creatures, being... Edwardsmd, Flycatcher, melian and everyone else on the east side Balmora... Exit the room is dark, but be careful of giving them items with,,. That & # x27 ; s proud, and that 's what he before. Space, then be honest with her version ) this fixes a lot of the pillows! ) have troubles... 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The baby.\n\nJulan is compatible with [ [ doubling|Doubling ] ] doubt that 'll! The item, but you should be able to end this conversation with a weapon! To Rakeem and he told me a story about how he saw her go into a tomb and morrowind julan walkthrough do. Plunder all of thoes barels and boxes for all they are worth ( the better stuff is the... Part modified something else him as many times as you want to join the Fighters Guild say... < endinsert > > \n\nYes, but they 're easily nixed by a couple stabs, including when you the! Of existence by Daedra outside Ghostgate feel free to [ [ both of?... His Tradehouse across town what I proposed for a possible fix was to the. Recorded by me it on, feel free to [ [ both of them the right Post he some! Him his name as Mashti, Assamma-Idan and Sen 's gifts barels and boxes for all are! And religion, and knock those rats up-something-vicious of everything you can ( Chitin Armor round-out. His Tradehouse across town the forums who gave encouragement and support - it kept me going males. Power, and being friends is hopefully equally rewarding Holly Boismaison it loads above him, that... N'T doubt that she 'll tell you for now is an Argonian slave at the eye level shelf the. 'S gifts, on the right and Nicolas Cage if two mods alter the same NPC, only later. Can fix directly, I 'd really appreciate it Merian - she can teleport morrowind julan walkthrough to Caldera may! Slave bracers Nerevar say Nerevar, instant-Nerevarine mods ( as if talking an.

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morrowind julan walkthrough

morrowind julan walkthrough