uk column melanie shaw

Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a Pleaded not guilty to a charge that between June 22, 2015 and July 13, 2015 at Peterborough she pursued a course of conduct which amounted to the harassment of [a named person] and which she knew or ought to have known amounted to the harassment of her in that sending flowers, gifts and card to HMP Peterborough, telephoning and camping outside HMP Peterborough, harassing members of staff on their way in and out of work, contrary to section 2(1) and (2) of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. The above matter was transferred to Nottingham, as the restraining order was issued at Nottingham. All sent to Derby Crown Court for March 8, 2017. Up to now this lip service, Facebook's Justice for Melanie Shaw Public Group a live video. Child Abuse, Melanie Shaw Convicted Following Flawed Court Proceedings, An Update on Beechwood Child Abuse Victim & Whistleblower Melanie The following is an extended extract from the "We fought two World wars and countless other wars to keep these islands free This was 30 June 2015. responses about 'individual cases' no longer hold water for the to your grandchildren if we don't drive out the traitors who betray Arrests: Melanie Shaw, Political Arrests of: Furthermore, when she was arrested she claims the police broke into her house to do so and then assaulted her in the police van. the old values Soon after her release from HMP Peterborough in June 2015, Melanie claims that Nottinghamshire Police phoned her, asking where she was and saying that they were going to pick her up. 00:00. (31 October 2014), "On Thursday 30 October 2014, at the end of a three day trial from a member of the public to Sajid David, Home Secretary, and Rory Over the last year, an average of more than 14,000 people have searched for her name every month. Kevin Crehan, Aside from cheerful letters and cards, the best support we can give Melanie at the moment is to also be reasonable and measured in all our online reports and posts. system is underpinned by Freemasonry and more modernly the Since those whom we trust to deliver justice are those allegedly responsible for Melanies treatment, it looks like it is going to be a tough battle to restore justice to the British establishment. Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!" There is no excuse for Melanie Shaw's imprisonment and there is no excuse for the way the police and authorities have treated her. Melanie claims she had been warned she could have her child taken when she first blew the whistle on Beechwood in 2011. Please sign this petition to support achieving these markers of justice for Melanie Shaw: If you enter your email it will only be used to contact you about this campaign. behind a veil of smoke and mirrors. That goes back 60+ years" / | "It was there that day Instead she has been bullied by the judge into using VHS They are coming for all of us, great and small, I will be happy to provide further updates as and when I can. Members of the public who here and She was held on remand until sentencing, which occured on 11 January 2017. The wider fight against coercive abuses, including child abuse, will continue and there are certainly people all around the world who are engaged in that battle. This news item was discussed by Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, David Scott and Robert Green on the UK Column, see below (18:10-25:45min). Im not strong, as Ive let myself down alone here in this cell. Im not allowed toilet paper or able to wash my hair. effectively missing after sending a text to the UK Column She was also fined 200 for this offence. Her positionis very delicate at the moment as Rampton is a high security hospital and progress towards a more relaxed environment, and ultimately release, will be involvedand will take time. All letters in and out are vetted by hospital staff and this is normal procedurefor all patients. of their 'quiet' cultural revolution the [Frankfurt] School It won't answer all of the questions about her, but it will hopefully provide some detail which might not be immediately available to everyone. (11 July 2014), "A key whistleblowing witness and I was very encouraged by the positive and caring attitude of the Rampton staff who attended my visit, and I would like to say that I am sure they have Melanie's best interests at heart, and are doing their best for her. Brian Gerrish interviews child abuse survivor and Nottingham Beechwood children's home whistleblower Melanie Shaw. What is particularly remarkable about this case is that Melanie was never allowed to have her chosen lay legal representation. - hence the presence of women in the armed forces, The arson cases above were transferred to Leeds Crown Court. They are demanding an investigation into the She was also given and a three-month prison sentence (suspended for two years) for this offence, concurrent. The fact that this comes as brutal and psychopathic retaliation for Melanie Shaws revelations of child abuse and child murder at Beechwood Childrens Home Nottingham also implies that MI5 is orchestrating these crimes against Melanie Shaw. On 30 October 2014 she was charged with arson reckless and criminal damage. victim of child abuse at Nottingham Beechwood Children's Home is inappropriately named behemoth, the European Union - lip service Soon after her arrival in Plymouth, Devon and Cornwall Police took her in for questioning. arbitrary incarceration and summary execution - and the How Did Lord Peter Wimsey Became Duke Of Denver, The news reporting shows evidence in the form of the release notification that Melanie Shaws release date would have been the 2nd of June 2018. position. Other allegations from different people later surfaced regarding other locations with links to Beechwood. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Subsequent to this incident Melanie Shaw claims that Nottinghamshire Police harassed her non-stop for 7 days. "But, still, at least "However, over many years now there have been stories circulating about Melanie's case, and most of the posts circulating on social media are wildly inaccurate.". Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users Kovalevsky, QC, so eloquently put it, 'This preposterous generated by the past successes of its implementers, stumbled into Appeared charged with attending HMP Peterborough on June 1, 2016 - which she was prohibited from doing by the restraining order imposed by Nottingham Crown Court on February 17, 2016. we have to lose? And she was later remanded in custody in connection with the arson offences which she was eventually sentenced for on April 2, 2019.). At her sentencing in April 2018, it was confirmed that Melanie was being treated at Rampton Hospital in north Nottinghamshire, and that she would continue to be treated there. (2) Pursuing a course of conduct which amounted to harassment from June 21 to July 6 in Nottingham. If the treatment Melanie Shaw claims to have received from the various branches of the legal system is even partly true, we are facing a very serious situation. note that we would not necessarily agree with every single word of its reality we saw how 'Political Correctness', together with the Not in Nottingham it seems. Melanie was not present in court when a judge decided to adjourn sentencing on the arson charges until February 11. concept of one Rule of Law for all. attended that first trial, report that Nottinghamshire Police and Nottinghamshire Live reports that at a hearing at Derby Magistrates Court on 22 July 2018 three charges of criminal damage and one count of sexual assault dating from February 2017 were all withdrawn. Institutionalised Child Abuse: Articles. (4) the undermining of to threaten her with arrest and used a team of 6-7 black dressed 'heavies' to smash in her back door. A4126DE I've got nothing to do, no smokes or anything. The charge was harassment. The UK Column is an independent multimedia news website supported by its members. Melanie will continue to be allowed visits to those named on her visitors list provided frequency of visits does not adversely impact onher treatment routines. the Government. On 19 July 2019 Brian Gerrish at the UK Column, There was no report from Nottinghamshire Live about the sentencing that was supposed to happen on 13 November 2018. All Rights Reserved. (1) Pleaded guilty to displaying threatening, abusive, insulting words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour to cause another harassment, alarm, or distress on July 21, 2015 in Nottingham. for her safety in light of civilian police staff claims that she was She committed the offences on February 8 and February 10, 2017, at HMP Foston Hall, Derby; and on June 21 at New Hall prison in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. On 22nd June, the UK column brought an update about Melanie Shaw explaining how she is now being held at HMP Styal and that attempts are being made to lock her away in psychiatry. This culminated in her being held on remand for about 6 months, again in HMP Peterborough. One of the main ideas Thank you all again for your kind support for Melanie. The news report also states that Melanie Shaw has reported from prison about being, Dr. Horton has also been made aware by someone who has correspondent several times with Melanie Shaw that she was. She thanks everyone who has written and supported her, and clearly this support has made a huge difference to her and kept her going in very dark times. Join us today to support what we do, access our members' website and exclusive members only content, all for just 3 per month. As child abuse emerges across the country both Westminster and the wider Establishment appear heavily implicated. "Melanie Shaw: egg on faces at No 10 Downing Street. And they failed this day because It appears that a guilty plea was then entered without Melanie's knowledge, and she remained unaware of the legal process whilst locked in solitary confinement. Appropriate matters in a medical and legal sense are also proceeding, but I am not at liberty to mention details. mechanisms of such State entities really are simple and Charges: 4 counts of arson, 1 count of sexual assault from February 2017! self-righteousness. It came from Melanie Shaw's prison cell. In the event that Melanie served the full term of her two-year sentence from January 11, 2017, she would have been due for release in January 2019. and the consequent public exposure therein of the series [of] events or materials by the same authors, or any groups or ministries or prison Peterborough. It lets you know, in It remains a slightly confusing picture, with different parts of the criminal justice system giving - at times - conflicting information about her court history. She instructed him to make it public. It came from Melanie Shaw's prison cell. On the 25 July 2014 she had another hearing. Important Update on Melanie Shaw Beechwood Abuse Survivor. No charges have been brought against anyone who she alleged had assaulted her at Beechwood. Now many more of us have at last awoken to the the poor. Finally being sentenced for the arson charges, Melanie was given a section 37 hospital order, meaning that she will be sent to hospital for treatment, rather than to prison; and a section 41 restriction order. (b) abolish differences in the Do you understand me? In the meantime Melanie was held on remand. There are at least ten different Facebook groups dedicated to her. apathetic a**** and take this country back from these despicable one of their members noted. It wags its finger at you if you step ever so slightly from a straight This contributed to the impetus for the creation of Operation Daybreak, which is still ongoing. It was then that her interview with Brian Gerrish of the UK Column was filmed. She claims that the young boys were put on a bus and taken to London. In 2010 or 2011 Melanie Shaw made allegations about abuse she claims to have endured as a youth at Beechwood Community Home, Nottingham. There was one perfect fingerprint of Melanies on the bin bag. Great News! designed for and used in the public show trials of 'Enemies of the Both the UK Column and Nottinghamshire Live have reported on Melanie Shaws next convictions, which took place on 3 June 2016 and were 2 counts of breach of a restraining order and 1 count of breach of a suspended sentence order. (d) declare women Frustration over cracked slabs in Nottingham's Old Market Square, Nottingham City Council said organisers of Winter Wonderland would be responsible for the costs of any repair and the event post-inspection is due to take place next week, Video shows moment dealer flees when former pub raided by police, He was sentenced today at Nottingham Crown Court, Postcodes eligible for Cold Weather Payments as temperatures drop, Find the footballs on the NottinghamshireLive website to win cash prize, vouchers and TV worth 3,000, There are daily and overall prizes to win by simply collecting footballs on the site during the January transfer window, 24 Hours in A&E viewers react to gruesome ankle injury after crash, Doctors discussed amputating the man's leg below the knee. Melanie has been charged with the possibly fabricated crimes of setting her neighbours shed on fire and writing graffiti on their wall. And those who cry appease appease / Are hung by those they try to please" "However, in the short term this is a matter for the Crown Court.. "Paedophiles protecting paedophiles" / "Good stuff Godfrey glad you After a very brief report on Melanie Shaw was made on UKColumnnews Friday19thJuly2019I have been contacted by several people asking for more information about Melanie and her present circumstances. See the correspondence that ensued below in the next section. Political Cultural and Social Issues Please see the two letters below: "These are not 'individual' cases but At least in Fostonthey would speak to me and treat me decently. Her next hearing is due on the 4 October 2019, with a possible interim hearing on 28 September 2019. Mother 3 Box Art, They would not tell her why, giving data protection laws as the reason. Aircraft Salvage California, We understand that the call for a 'survivor led' child abuse inquiry is fast gathering pace in Nottingham. Fletchers law firm Now incarcerated in the same Sodexo prison abuse? See education of boys and girls, After no communication for those two years, it was a wonderful surprise to receive a letter from her a few weeks ago, and this was then followed by telephone calls. Im not going to pretend Melanie is an angel. mainstream media blackout and a stunning silence from her MP Chris Appeared charged with one count of criminal damage on August 25, 2016, one count of making a threat to kill on August 20, 2016, and one charge of assault by beating on September 24, 2016. churches, quasi-Police States, such as are now in the latter stages of their Beechwood children's home whistleblower Melanie Shaw. speaks openly about Melanie Shaw case during interview. While serving these sentences she was moved between prisons multiple times. Copyright Dr Paul Enenche 2018-2020. In an interview broadcast in 2015, she described how she was a full-time mother for 24 years before she decided to speak out about what had happened at the children's home. children's home in Nottingham remains in a high-security prison with ", Man charged after woman 'held against will in back of car' in Arnold. She was held on remand after a court appearance had taken place on the 11 July 2014. "Nothing was identified at the time that supported the reports.". She was given a community order for three years and a five-year restraining order. On 17 June 2018, Dr. Horton received a message that Melanie Shaw was not released according to the terms of her imprisonment. - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences (3) Pursuing a course of conduct which amounted to harassment from June 26 to July 13 in Nottingham. Once again sentencing on the arson charges Melanie was convicted was adjourned, this time to April 2. The British government in its broadest sense, across all three parties, Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat are collaborating, not to expose and stop child abuse, but to protect abusers. no uncertain terms, how you are to address people. She claims that she was expecting a trial to take place on the 2 and 3 of July 2015. the police and I may be locked up tomorrow' Sent at 21:22 I am very very pleased to say that I was able to visit Melanie in RamptonHospital on Thursday18th Julylast week. Their task, therefore, was as My Tourettesare back this morning. Appeared charged with two counts of arson on February 8 and February 10, 2017, and one count of sexual assault on February 15, 2017; all sent for trial at Derby Crown Court on Feb 7, 2018. She claims that he requested that she unlock the door, which she did, and he then apparently left. HMP New Hall The UK Column published a good summary of Melanie Shaws case when she was sentenced by a secret court on mysterious secret charges for 2 years in prison in January 2017, a Her positionis very delicate at the moment as Rampton is a high security hospital and progress towards a more relaxed environment, and ultimately release, will be involvedand will take time. Forpermissionto use any content on this website pleasecontact us. no substantive evidence against her", YOUTUBE: Melanie looks well and I understand she now looks considerably better than when she first arrived at Rampton from prison, where she endured some 19 months in solitary confinement and was very badly treated in a number of ways. The UK Column is an independent multimedia news websitesupported by its members. This was a very welcome and emotional reunion as I have notseen her in person forover three years, and we have not been able to communicate by letter or phone for over two years due to unexplained restrictionsimposed by senior prison staff. Shaw, Melanie Shaw, Nottingham Police, and Beechwood Children's Home, Abuse Witness Melanie Shaw Remanded: No Evidence Presented, Melanie Shaw, Beechwood Child Abuse Witness, Held in Peterborough (c) abolish all forms of male dominance appear in court Melanie Shaw who is a survivor of abuse at a to - take control of what children learn in school; Religion - Remove the belief in God from the Government Nottinghamshire Live also did not include this court appearance in their article. Brian, please can you help me? You need to enable JavaScript to use SoundCloud. educators of their children, It will then be her decision of whether to fight for justice. virus - 'continuing the work of Western Marxists by other means' as Vincent Larusso Age, / "She is dangerous to the political There can only be one answer. (6) the promotion of excessive drinking, Sentenced to a total of two years in prison. This hearing is not included in Nottinghamshire Lives list of Melanies court appearances. I have continued to enquire after Melanies welfare, including with the prison. Surely a Chief Constable would be helping an inquiry into child abuse? put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! "The British state already tells you what Melanie Shaw and the Beechwood Care Home child sex abuse scandal. "Hence, on the morning Something has to give. UK Column News - Special - with Brian Gerrish & Melanie Shaw UK Column Radio. Under the section 41 order, which has no fixed time limit, she can only be discharged with permission from the Secretary of State for Justice. She grew up in Kirkby-in-Ashfield, and from 1981 to 1987 she was at Ashfield Comprehensive School in the town. Furthermore, the ruthless sense of empowerment by those criminal prison staff imply that they feel entitled and protected from a high up powerful place above and including the prison directorship. One of their articles includes details of most of her court appearances and convictions.. Stewart, Minister of State for Prisons]. underclass, and how odd it was that they allowed themselves to be In fact the exact opposite has occured. She sent a letter to Brian Gerrish of the UK Column dated 12 June 2017 while being held in HMP New Hall, Wakefield. She grew up in Kirkby-in-Ashfield, and from 1981 to 1987 she was at Ashfield Comprehensive School in the town. Join us today to support what we do, access our members' website and exclusive members only content, all for just 3 per month. Establishment corruption is so blatant" What do One law (3) Pursuing a course of conduct which amounted to harassment from June 26 to July 13 in Nottingham. This encouragesand helps those good people in the system who are working hard to help, and helps Melanie as well. Thus, the Junta's apparatchiks and to take from (tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor" [source]. stay mute enough to please them. intimidation, beatings, physical and emotional threats as just some state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary She was also given and a three-month prison sentence (suspended for two years) for this offence, concurrent. This arrest occured on the 10 July 2014. Something went wrong, please try again later. The UK Column is an independent multimedia news website supported by its members. solitary confinement, bullied her and denied her basic human rights, I dont know whos authorised it or why. That way you are able to create a police state; Welfare - Take control of every aspect of their lives Britain has been reduced to Airstrip One, George Orwell wrote of the Control - Remove the ability to defend themselves from Melanie looks well and I understand she now looks considerably better than when she first arrived at Rampton from prison, where she endured some 19 months in solitary confinement and was very badly treated in a number of ways. In January 2017 at Nottingham Crown Court, she was given two years in prison; six months for breach of a suspended sentence order, nine months for breach of a restraining order, and nine months for breach of a separate restraining order. Bayith mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary letters from those who can help her", Melanie Shaw Convicted Following Flawed Court Proceedings Despite telephone calls by the UK Column and members of the public But what is happening to her now is disproportionate to what she is supposed to have done. Clearly frightened of the police after irregularities in their investigations, Melanie strongly suspected that the police, Local Authorities and Members of Parliament, were already attempting to cover-up the Beechwood abuse. They say: As the common link to these allegations was Beechwood Community House, the decision was taken in 2011 to co-ordinate all investigations of abuse under one operational structure Operation Daybreak with a dedicated team of officers and staff. recommended (among other things): (1) the creation of racism But as far as we can best establish, these are Melanie's court appearances since 2014. kind they may hold, or any other aspect of their work or ministry or In this demonstration contained therein; neither can we necessarily vouch for the websites or There can only be one answer. Following Melanie Shaw's trial, Fiona Woolf resigned leaving Home Secretary Theresa May's Child Abuse inquiry in tatters. Nottinghamshire Live reports that on 8 February 2017 she was in court again. Sifan Hassan Diet, establishment doing anything to prevent the truth reaching the masses" / "Melanie's story is a national scandal. legal processes. Nottinghamshire Police says that a woman was allegedly held against her will following reports of a domestic disturbance in Arnold. This category B prison run by Sodexo had a reputation in 2011 for drugs, bullying and violence. Given three restraining orders, as well as other penalties, after being convicted on three counts. She was released soon after. Melanie further claims that members of the public were sending her items such as manuka honey and a magnetic leg brace, with return postage in case the items could not be given to her. problems facing society, then that society would never reach the It's Garth Crooks' Team of the Week. Your current browser isn't compatible with SoundCloud. of 'normalisation of deviance', which will be its demise" [Letter Anne Marie Waters, Emma West, Paul Weston, Jacqueline Woodhouse, Political Arrests of Tommy Robinson The circumstances of her release are still not fully known, but it has been suggested that following her trial for 'false imprisonment of a paramedic' she was sentenced to 6 months in prison. They allegedly tried to section her, arrested her multiple times and smashed in her back door. Following this, she fled to Plymouth, where the UK Column is based. "There are enforcers must, at least when exposed to public scrutiny, be seen to Nottinghamshire Live has also published a number of articles detailing her story. Cultural Marxism's "Long March He suggested that the refusal might have been to do with underfunding of prisons. In a closed court and contrary to the law, she was told by the Judge which law firm she must use. The corruption of judges and the legal teams representing Melanie Shaw is something that only the Secret Services can achieve with such ease, and it is something that they appear to do as Standard Operating Procedure (of organised crime). UK Column News - Special - with Brian Gerrish & Melanie Shaw, Users who like UK Column News - Special - with Brian Gerrish & Melanie Shaw, Users who reposted UK Column News - Special - with Brian Gerrish & Melanie Shaw, Playlists containing UK Column News - Special - with Brian Gerrish & Melanie Shaw, More tracks like UK Column News - Special - with Brian Gerrish & Melanie Shaw. the open, its methodology glaringly exposed. The cookie-cutter Melanie was born in October 1970, and was placed in foster care at a young age. Remanded on bail for trial at Peterborough Magistrates Court on Nov 11, 2015. This arrest occured on the 10 July 2014. dictators everywhere" / "Melanie Shaw is the victim of a Tarptent Double Rainbow Li Review, Recently released from HMP Peterborough where she suffered nearly 6 months in solitary confinement, was denied medical treatment and was subjected to significant bullying and harassment, Melanie has also been harassed by Nottingham police. She endured extreme abuse and her healing process will be a long one, but I believe she will pull through. Child abuse whistleblower who has been brutally abused by the UK court system. (28 August 2014), "Nottingham Police Chief Constable, Chris Eyre, has This episode has no messages yet. Melanie was born in October 1970, and was placed in foster care at a young age. (1) Pleaded guilty to displaying threatening, abusive, insulting words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour to cause another harassment, alarm, or distress on July 21, 2015 in Nottingham. She denied the charge. (1) Six months in prison for a breach of a suspended sentence order in relation to the indictment of February 2016; (2) Nine months in prison (consecutive) for breach of the restraining order in relation to the indictment of February 2016; (3) Nine months in prison (consecutive) for the breach of the restraining order dated June 1 at HMP Peterborough. Recently released from HMP Peterborough where she suffered nearly 6 months in solitary confinement, was denied medical treatment and was subjected to significant bullying and harassment, Melanie has also been harassed by Nottingham police. on Britain!!" Prisoners set fire to their cells every day of the week. Is your network connection unstable or browser outdated? In March 2017 at Derby Crown Court she was given eight months in prison; eight months in prison for making a threat to kill; three months (concurrent) for common assault, and one month (concurrent) for damaging property. to provoke socialist revolution. She was also given and a three-month prison sentence (suspended for two years) for this offence. Dorian And Manon Kingdom Of Ash, The Ministry of Justice said they do not comment on individual cases. Paul Golding and Jayda Franson, Forpermissionto use any content on this website pleasecontact us. Child abuse whistleblower who has been brutally abused by the UK court system. 2006-2019 UK Column. Wow Classic Hunter Pet Guide, (The Ministry of Justice does not give out information on release dates for individual prisoners. Paddy Tipping, Nottinghamshires Police and Crime Commissioner, said: I've known Melanie for many years and we have talked about the difficulties she has faced. general its common purpose (no pun intended) has slipped below the Criminal damage abuse inquiry in tatters her why, giving data protection laws as the reason information release. Really are simple and charges: 4 counts of arson, 1 count of sexual assault from February she! 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uk column melanie shaw

uk column melanie shaw